Team Building Captek Softgel International Team Building Captek Softgel International Most people think that you must treat everyone the same… but that is not exactly true. How Understanding Preferred Behavior Will Improve Your Effectiveness as an Employee, Co-worker, Supervisor, Parent, Spouse, Friend, Adult C hild, Mentor and Human.
Internal Individual Preferred Behavior Style Personality Values Experiences Natural Behavior
External Individual Age Gender Sexual orientation Physical ability Ethnicity Race
Internal Organizational Functional level/classification Work content/field Division/department/unit/group Seniority Work location Union affiliation Management status
External Organizational Geographic location Income Personal habits Recreational habits Religion Education Work experience Appearance Parental status Marital status
Human beings have instinctively and incorrectly attributed work place behaviors to external differences such as height, skin color, lifestyle, or language since the beginning of time.
Internal Individual Learning to value and understand that we all have preferred communication styles makes working together more productive, more effective and more fun! It improves communication creates understanding, support and acceptance which is critical to organization success.
ASSESSMENTS: Internal Individual
StrengthsScore Dominant38 Influencing29 Supportive12 Conscientious21 Total100
Score DISC
▲ ▲ The way in which a person’s four dimensions combine creates how a person behaves.
Strengths are extensions of our natural behavior.
BODY LANGUAGE Posture Use of Hands Facial Expressions VOICE LANGUAGE Tone, Pace, Volume Words
Where do we get into trouble?
Conscientiousness Concerned and Correct C's are sticklers for quality who like planning ahead, employing systematic approaches, and checking and re-checking for accuracy. Supportive Steady and Service S's are helpful people who like working behind the scenes, performing in consistent and predictable ways, and being good listeners. Dominance Direct and Decisive D's are strong-willed, strong- minded people who like accepting challenges, taking action, and getting immediate results. Influence Optimistic and Outgoing I's are "people people" who like participating on teams, sharing ideas, energizing and entertaining others.
Treat others as you want to be treated.
Treat others as they want to be treated.
We need all four behavior styles on a team to make it effective. This combination is what makes us strong.
Group Exercise – Care and Feeding Move into the area of your preferred behavior.