Common Core Leadership in Mathematics Project, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Listening and Paraphrasing Learning Focused Conversations November 27, 2012 This material was developed for use by participants in the Common Core Leadership in Mathematics (CCLM^2) project through the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. Use by school district personnel to support learning of its teachers and staff is permitted provided appropriate acknowledgement of its source. Use by others is prohibited except by prior written permission.
Common Core Leadership in Mathematics Project, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Reviewing Ideas Interactions Communication Styles Friend Expert Boss Parent Continuum of Stances Consultant Collaborator Coach Unproductive Patterns of Listening Autobiographical (personal referencing) Inquisitive (personal curiosity) Solution (personal certainty) Judgment and Criticism
Common Core Leadership in Mathematics Project, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Listening Assessment Share thoughts on monitoring your listening quality listed on pg. 29.
Common Core Leadership in Mathematics Project, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Learning Goals and Success Criteria Understand the three pause times in a collegial conversation Develop clarity in distinguishing between 3 types of paraphrase Success Criteria: Become aware of unproductive patterns of listening, and use pauses, and parphrases in a collegial conversations.
Common Core Leadership in Mathematics Project, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, More Barriers to Committed Listening Internal Distractions External Distractions
Common Core Leadership in Mathematics Project, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Internal Distractions Physical Barriers Emotional Reactions Biases and Judgments
Common Core Leadership in Mathematics Project, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, External Distractions Distractions that can rule us instead of us ruling them! Cell phones Computer signals “Stop bys”
Common Core Leadership in Mathematics Project, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Silence Can Be Golden pg. 50 Wait Time 1: 3 – 5 sec. after a coach’s question Wait Time 2: 3 – 5 sec. after a partner’s response- you have a choice Wait Time 3: before a coach responds (paraphrase/question)
Common Core Leadership in Mathematics Project, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, A Structured Conversation… As you engage in the conversation, be aware of unproductive patterns of listening, and internal distractions.
Common Core Leadership in Mathematics Project, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, A Conversation… Start with the first interview question. After asking a question, pause to offer your partner time to think about a response. Occasionally, after every two or three responses, summarize the latest response with a paraphrase that begins, So ….. or probe for clarification by saying, “Tell me more about …..”
Common Core Leadership in Mathematics Project, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Conversation #1 1. What do you like best about being in this class? 2.What are you hoping to accomplish in your work situation this year? 3.What approaches are you planning to use to accomplish this work? 4.Thinking about the teachers you’ve had in the past, what teachers have had a strong influence in your life? Why?
Common Core Leadership in Mathematics Project, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Table Discussion Plus: What went well during this “committed listening” session? Minus: What were some of the barriers to “committed listening” that you experienced? Debriefing the Coaching Skills
Common Core Leadership in Mathematics Project, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Committed Listening Gain clarity on issues and understand needs and perceptions Gather information more completely and accurately Encourages others to think more deeply Lay a path for building responses and solutions
Common Core Leadership in Mathematics Project, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Remember Effective, committed listening requires both an understanding of your own listening skills and dedicated practice so you may avoid unproductive patterns of listening.