The State of the Association Opening Ceremonies April 15, 2004 Washington, DC
ANNA 1969 ~ 50 nurses met in Atlantic City & formed the American Association of Nephrology Nurses. The organization’s purpose was “to promote knowledge about the care of patients with renal disease.” Officers: Bernice Hinkley, President; Barbara Fulton, VP; & JoAnn Albers, Secretary
ANNA 2004 Over 1200 nurses are meeting in Washington, DC at the 35 th National Symposium. Our mission: “ANNA will advance nephrology nursing practice & positively influence outcomes for patients with kidney or other disease processes requiring replacement therapies through advocacy, scholarship, & excellence.”
Advocacy Joined Kidney Care Partners Subscribed to CapWiz CMS 2744 form Continued the work of the Nephrology Nursing Shortage & Solutions: An Invitational Summit Continued work with the NRAA & RPA to develop a position statement on acute dialytic care services
Recruitment & Retention Discover Nephrology Nursing brochure “Memories of Nephrology Nursing” Johnson & Johnson’s Campaign for Nursing’s Future Focused on developing a mentorship program Defining a “magnet” dialysis unit Linking with schools of nursing
Membership Dues remain at $60 per year Over 60,000 s & phone calls received responses from the National Office RenalWEB E-News ANNA E-News Surveys –Nephrology Nursing Journal –ANNA Update –Members who did not renew
Scholarship NNJ – 35 articles; 660 pages Hypertension, Dialysis, & Clinical Nephrology website ( Educational program for nursing homes or long term care facilities Attendance records were broken at the Fall meeting & the audioconferences Publications under revision
Leadership First ESRD Education Day – August 15 th 2nd ESRD Education Day – August 13 th Leadership Development Position Statements Press Releases & Media Coverage
Business Financial records – certified audit Income exceeded expenses The financial plan was reviewed by the Board of Directors in February, 2004 The 2004 –2005 budget will continue to keep expenses below income Sponsorship from corporate friends & members Received a $13,000 grant award “Nurse Competence in Aging”
Thank you! ANNA members All ANNA volunteers The Board of Directors The staff of AJJ “We make a living by what we get; but we make a life by what we give.”