Kentucky Association of Nursing Students P R E S E N T E D B Y :
What are KANS & NSNA? Kentucky Association of Nursing Students Constituent (voting group) of The National Student Nurses’ Association (NSNA) NSNA – A pre-professional association for nursing students. Prepares students for involvement in professional associations upon graduation.
NSNA’s Mission To mentor students preparing for initial licensure as registered nurses, and to convey the standards, ethics, and skills that students will need as responsible and accountable leaders and members of the profession
Why Join KANS/NSNA? make professional contacts network with other students and share academic experiences access to new opportunities, friends, jobs, and information be part of the profession and peer recognition
What are the benefits? R educed rates on products and services NSNA partnerships with specialty nursing organizations NSNA alliance with several corporations for discounted products and services Affordable malpractice protection (NSO) Life Uniform discounts NSNA Visa platinum rewards Office Depot savings program 20% off at Wyndham Hotel Brands 15% off at Red Roof Inn 10% off at Motel 6 Scholarships and awards Recognition and leadership possibility Possible elective academic credit through NSNA Leadership U
Why Join NSNA-KANS? What is the number one reason why you should join KANS? A.) Builds leadership skills B.) Helps you mature as a nurse C.) Builds your self-esteem D.) Looks good on your resume
Why Join NSNA-KANS? Well, they’re all correct!! Joining KANS and NSNA A. Builds leadership skills B. Helps you mature as a nurse C. Builds your self-esteem D. Looks great on a resume
Imprint Quarterly publication Trends in nursing What is going on around the country pertaining to NSNA Political issues, etc
Dues Information Fill out membership form and mail to: NSNA Box 789 Wilmington, OH Join online at NSNA membership automatically gives you KANS membership Allow 4-6 weeks to process your membership if mailed Online provides quickest processing $35– 1 Year BEST DEAL! $70 – 2 Years BEST DEAL!
Be A Professional Join a Professional Organization
Join KANS Join NSNA Contact your KANS Board for more info