10/18/20151 Coordination and Partnership
is the management of interdependencies between activities 10/18/20152
n n sharing of information with other persons or organizations to work together in harmony without friction or overlapping n n based on regular communication of relevant data n n Coordination is facilitation n n No single model that can be provided
10/18/20154Coordination n Local n Provincial n National n International Government institutions Private agencies NGOs Interior & Civ. Prot./EMA Defence / Army, Foreign Affairs Communications, Housing Life line agencies, Technical agencies UN agencies Bilateral Donors International Agencies International NGOs
10/18/20155 Objective n n Improve efficiency, effectiveness, and speed of response n n Provide a framework for strategic decisions n n Ensure effective solution n n Maximum utilization of minimum resource n n Appropriate utilization of resources n n Avoid duplication and overlapping n n Facilitate implementation n n Strengthening community’s coping
10/18/20156 What is needed n n Perceived need for coordination n n Manual of understanding and respect n n Active participation of stakeholders n n Agreed parameters and n n responsibilities n n Common vocabulary and concepts n n Transparency
Spectrum of Coordination Information sharing Resource sharing & Task Division Collaborative Planning And Programming Least DifficultMost Difficult “The degree of coordination possible will depend on the circumstances”
Coordination meetings Technical session Joint assessments Technical and logistic session Joint action / intervention 10/18/20158 How do we coordinate
WHO Coordinates? 10/18/20159
With whom? Know your partner 10/18/201510
Principles of Coordination 1. PURPOSE – explains the overall aim of the session Have ground rules, a clear agenda, and desired outcomes 2. PRODUCT- describes the session’s deliverables in specific outputs Discuss needs and lines of action Reach a consensus on objectives, strategies and plans
3. PARTICIPANTS – push the issues Know their perspectives and concerns Designate experienced chairperson with facilitative behavior Listening Encouraging Participation Not defensive Asking open- ended questions Optimistic but realistic
4. PROBABLE ISSUES – give an idea of the potential roadblocks Sort issues by categories and types Approve agenda before starting the meeting
5. PROCESS – the detailed set of steps that will be taken to create the product Circulate information among partners Preliminary word clarification and definition, brainstorming, rank order of issues according to importance to the group Have group memory by using flip charts or handouts
Challenges Competition for resource Disagreement on objective Differing expectations of coordination Lack of trust 5. Unilateral donor actions and agendas 6. Rapid staff turnover 7. Poor transition preparations
Areas for Collaborative Planning and Programming Preparation of Contingency Plans Exchange/distribution of personnel and liaison Plans for shared use of facilities Investments in infrastructure Evacuation and transportation
Exercise: Case Scenario: Cyclone PHET hit Muscat resulting to massive flood affecting people, houses and critical facilities like hospitals, etc. Thousands of the population were affected leading to displacement to 200 evacuation centers. You are tasked to respond to this situation: Questions: What coordination actions will you do? How do you initiate it? Who coordinates?
Response Need to establish health system Need to support the treatment of injuries Need to support the medical cases Provision of public health services to include disease surveillance Support for resource management Support risk communication Provide protection and safety of victims and responders
10/18/201519Outcome Maximum considerations in understanding……….maximum winner
10/18/ Shared vision allows ordinary people to do extra ordinary things
Building Partnership Building Partnership 10/18/201522
- Sharing resource: financial and technical -Make task easy: splitting tasks -Advocacy -consensus Why ? Why partnership? 10/18/201523
How? Common interest: mandate Capacity Negotiation Win Win Institutional bindings: MOU Action plan Continuity 10/18/201524
10/18/ Thanks for your ATTENTION!