Reference Information Specifications for Europe Exploitation Guidelines Jörgen Hartnor
RISE HACPB Meeting, 6th June, 2007Page 2 Purpose of the Exploitation Guidelines To provide guidelines for dissemination and exploitation activities to promote the adoption and uptake of the RISE Methodology & Guidelines document >>To identify the key stakeholders with an interest in data harmonisation and their situation, such that we can address them “in their own language” >> Formulate the message
RISE HACPB Meeting, 6th June, 2007Page 3 Identifying Stakeholders The results from the RISE project benefits different stakeholders in different ways: → Important to identify the stakeholders and their respective situation (e.g. line of activities, potential interest, position on the market, potential outreach) such that it is possible to address the stakeholder from his own perspective. → Five stakeholder categories: Data Providers, Data Integrators, Harmonisation & Standardisation Initiatives, FP6/FP7 Projects and End User Community.
RISE HACPB Meeting, 6th June, 2007Page 4 Identified User Benefits Efficiency Benefits (A) “Costs savings” or “costs-avoided” benefits, arise by reducing the costs to perform existing tasks Effectiveness Benefits (B) “Value-added” benefits, arise by improving the outcome of projects or tasks because of better information Social-Political Benefits (C) Are of a more intangible nature and only served indirectly, once harmonised products are available, together with potential new application areas and markets
RISE HACPB Meeting, 6th June, 2007Page 5 Stakeholder Benefits Data ProvidersDescription of harmonisation activities likely needed Possible use of Methodologies and Guidelines (M & G) document Potential benefitsABC European National Mapping and Cadastral Agencies, Meteorological and Hydrological Institutes, Geological Surveys Will have to implement the parts of the INSPIRE directive for which they are data providers. Provides a proven and standardised method for data harmonisation that can guide them in their work. Enables a more straight forward and time saving approach. √√ Private companies, e.g. Spot Image, Blom ASA, … Need to meet market demand which is already now strong for harmonised data products Provides a proven and standardised method for data harmonisation that can guide them in their work. Enables a more straight forward and time saving approach. Could bring commercial benefits both w r t the production but also increased sales. √√ Data Integrators EurogeographicsCoordinates the implementation of different harmonised data and products Have the possibility to arrange different work shops on the data harmonisation theme for their members. Participates in the RISE project and is in a good position to carry forward the RISE methodology amongst its members. Can follow the M & G when creating new pan-European products. Can, build on the experience from the RISE project - do not need to repeat this work. Enables a more straight forward and time saving approach. √√ GMES fast track servicesWill contribute to facilitating access, use and harmonisation of geospatial information at pan-European level. They will develop the needed SDI and the implementation of the INSPIRE directive will be supported. If the M & G document is used, it would give a standard approach to all harmonisation efforts while creating the fast track services. Enables a more straight forward and time saving approach. Reduces the costs of implementations √√
RISE HACPB Meeting, 6th June, 2007Page 6 Stakeholder Benefits, Cntd. Harmonisation and Standardisation Initiatives Description of harmonisation activities likely needed Possible use of Methodologies and Guidelines (M & G) document Potential benefitsABC INSPIRE Drafting Teams (DT) and Thematic Working Groups (TWG) Compilation of INSPIRE Implementing Rules. The DT on Data Specifications has built on the M&G when creating their “Methodology for the development of Data Specifications” The TWGs will apply the methodology in their work with creating data specifications The M&G document has been tested under real world conditions. They can build on the experience gained through the RISE project and do not need to repeat this work. √ OGCCompilation of standards to be used for data harmonisation. OCG-E participates in the RISE project - in a good position to carry forward the RISE methodology amongst its members, since the RISE methodology is based on OGC ORM. OGC can, in its continued work, build on the experience from the RISE project and do not need to repeat this work. √√ ISO, CENCompilation of ISO standards to be used for data harmonisation. Use the RISE M&G as part of the foundation for its continued work. Could, possibly, carry forward the RISE methodology amongst its members Can, in their continued work, build on the experience from the RISE project and do not need to repeat this work. √
RISE HACPB Meeting, 6th June, 2007Page 7 Messages to communicate Data Providers – The initial investment could be cumbersome, but is likely to have a rather short pay-off time. - More efficient internal work procedures, more effective flow of information and new products Data Integrators – Once harmonised data products and services exists, integration of data will be much simplified. - Enables lower prices on existing products and services, will open up new market segments. The data integrators are therefore to convince the data providers of the need for such efforts. Harmonisation and Standardisation Initiatives - Can build on the RISE M&G document like the INSPIRE DT DS, to facilitate the data harmonisation process for the users
RISE HACPB Meeting, 6th June, 2007Page 8 Messages to communicate, Ctnd ESA and EU FP6/FP7 Projects - Projects with data harmonisation tasks in their ToR is can build on the RISE M&G document and do not have to repeat the work. End Users - Once harmonised data products and services exists, they will probably get better products and services to a lower price. Therefore the end users will need to convince the data providers of the need for such efforts.
RISE HACPB Meeting, 6th June, 2007Page 9 Action Plan Activities within the timeframe of the project Data Providers Data Integrators Harmonisation & Standardisation Initiatives ESA and EU FP6/FP7 Projects End Users Responsible party Produce and present a project leaflet on the RISE website √√√√√Eurogeographics Final Conference in Conjunction with EC GI&GIS in June in Porto. √√√√Eurogeographics Presentation of Results at OGC TC Meeting in June in Paris. √√√√OGC Publication of Key Results on OGC portals √√√√√OGC Submissions to Standardisation & Harmonisation Initiatives √√√√OGC Promotion to the GMES Fast Track services √√√Eurogeographics Continued cooperation with INSPIRE DT on Data Specifications √Relevant RISE partners Interaction with the Humboldt project √√Eurogeographics Produce articles with various level of detail and seeing to it that these articles are published in various GIS- and application-oriented magazines √√√√√Eurogeographics
RISE HACPB Meeting, 6th June, 2007Page 10 Action Plan cont. Activities after the completion of the project Data Providers Data Integrators Harmonisation & Standardisation Initiatives ESA and EU FP6/FP7 Projects End UsersResponsible party Publication of Key Results on the EGHO website √√√√√Eurogeographics Maintaining RISE website√√√√√Eurogeographics Eurogeographics uses the M&G in their own projects √√Eurogeographics Eurogeographics promotes the use of the M&G document to their members and in other contexts. √√√Eurogeographics The HUMBOLDT project is using the M&G in their work. √√Eurogeographics Submissions to Standardisation & Harmonisation Initiatives √√√√OGC Maintenance & promotion of RISE M&G document √√√√√ EC???