+ Enlarging Perspectives Principles of Teaching 2010 Session #5
+ Enlarging Perspectives: Guiding Questions Why and how might teachers, individually and collectively, enlarge their perspectives on a classroom issue or problem? What are some of the key perspectives used in educational research? (Aoki reading)
+ Perspective, Plurality and Ethical Judgments An enlarged mentality…(Kant) A visiting imagination…(Arendt) In seeing more…feel more…do more in the world (Maxine Greene)
+ UNDERSTANDING PERSPECTIVE and INTERPRETATION Muse Project (Natalie Leblanc, POT Instructor) Show a piece of art Invite students to answer following questions: Placing yourself in the artwork, what do you hear, what time of day is it, what is the temperature, what is the title of the art work? Students share and discuss the range of interpretations and the consequences of this for what we understand to be ‘true’
+ Understanding Perspectives What is the perspective? Who holds the perspective? What are its interests? Helping teacher candidates to understand that when we listen to one another in conversation or in lectures and when we read what others have written, we’re trying to identify and understand perspectives (values, interests) before we respond (agree, disagree, critique).
+ Understanding My Own Perspective To control (outcomes) Am I interested in ‘what works’? To understand (educational phenomena)? Am I interested in different perspectives of those involved in the situation? To empower/emancipate? Am I interested in highlighting hidden conditions, assumptions or intentions?
+ Understanding an Author’s Perspective To control (outcomes) Is the author interested in ‘what works’? To understand (educational phenomena)? Is the author interested in different perspectives of those involved in the situation? To empower/emancipate? Is the author interested in highlighting hidden conditions, assumptions or intentions?
+ TECHNICAL What works? INTER- PRETIVE What are the perspectives of those involved? CRITICAL In whose interests? PURPOSE (INTEREST) Control (efficiency, effectiveness) UnderstandingEmancipation FORM OF KNOWING Law-like (facts, generalizations) Situational meaning Highlight what has been hidden APPROACH TO EVALUATING Ends-means (goal-oriented) Perspectives of those involved Conditions, assumptions and intentions
+ Timeline for independent inquiries Thinking about their questions __________________________ Refining their questions Taking notice Journal reflections ____________________________ Preparing and submitting proposal Do the library research Before practicum __________________ During the practicum ____________________ After practicum
+ Inquiry Proposal Template: Draft 2 What is your question and how did it arise for you? Why is your question significant (to you and/or to others)? What RESOURCES/PERSPECTIVES will you draw on to explore your question? What do you expect to find out?
+ Exploring Perspectives My own (experience, journal…) Students’—NO Ethical Approval! Teachers’—NO Ethical Approval! Parents’—NO Ethical Approval! Perspectives found in documents Community members: letters to the editor Researchers: research literature School district mission and policy statements Ministry of education: curriculum/policy documents