DO NOW What would you expect a story about a creation to include? For example, the origin of day and night or the reason for certain plants and animals.
THE OLD TESTAMENT Genesis 1-3 (The Creation and The Fall) Genesis 6-9 (The Story of the Flood) The Book of Ruth Psalms 8,19, 23, and 137 THE QURAN
GENESIS When reading, remember to think of this as a piece of literature. Archetypal setting …A time, place, or landscape feature that has similar significance for different peoples …This connects people to powerful, universal human experiences …One example is a paradise like the Bible’s Garden of Eden. Common archetypal settings have …Opposites …A landscape that comes from watery chaos …A circle that is a symbol for the completion of something …A great tree that connects heaven and earth
DO NOW Look at your definition from yesterday of the archetypal setting. How does what we read so far fit in with this definition?
DO NOW Chart one day of the creation by drawing what occurred on that day. For example, if you select the first day, you may be drawing a windy, dark landscape. Be creative and look in the story for ideas on what to draw.
DO NOW Do you find what we’ve read so far interesting? Why or why not?
DO NOW What has happened so far in the story of the flood?
DO NOW What emotions do you think Noah and his family might have felt during the flood? Why?
DO NOW What stories in the Bible are you familiar with?
DO NOW Why do you think the people who recorded the stories of the Bible included the Book of Ruth?
DO NOW Why do you think people find comfort in reading religious texts such as the Bible?
DO NOW Why is it important to learn about different religions?