What is Life In Schools Like?
School as an Agent of Socialization Formal or explicit curriculum Informal, implicit, or hidden curriculum Culture--each school has its own culture. This culture is a set of beliefs, values, traditions, and ways of thinking and behaving that distinguishes it from other social institutions and from other schools.
The Teacher’s Roles Gatekeeper Dispenser of supplies Grantor of special privileges Timekeeper
What students experience Delay--”hurry up and wait” Waiting Denial of desire Interruptions Social distraction
Organizational variables Ability grouping Retention or passing Inclusion of students with disabilities Teacher-or student- centered instruction Expository vs, constructivist
Grouping patterns Or, what to do with seventh graders? Extended elementary schools, 1-8 or K-8 Middle schools--4-8, & 8? Junior high schools--6-9, 7-9, 8 & 9? Middle school research would definitely keep the 9th graders out of middle school
Emphasis of licensure High school tends to be subject-centered Middle school is more student centered
Multiple-purpose high schools Academic tracks stress traditional subjects such as English, mathematics, science, and foreign languages as preparation for college General tracks allow more electives and usually less stressful core courses Vocational tracks usually try to include curricula that are immediately practical
The Call for High School Reform Personalization Coherence--integrated subject fields instead of separate Time--block scheduling rather than 50- minute Carnegie units Technology
Peer cultures Jocks--those who eagerly embrace the framework and structure of the school Burnouts--accept the need for graduation, but distance themselves from the relationship of the high school Druggies Nerds/geeks/dweebs/dorks
Influences on Student Achievement 40 percent are just going through the motions of schooling One in six hides abilities because of what others might think 40 percent of parents never attended school function 2/3rds of students worked, half spending 15 hours or more on the job 20 to 25 hours per week with friends 70 % spend less than 5 hours per week on homework
Teacher expectations
School life may seem like chaos But it does have organization and pattern