ESDS Government Resources for the GHS (GLF) Alan Marshall ESDS Government Centre for Census and Survey Research University of Manchester 17 th March 2010
ESDS Government Supports major UK data series –Large surveys conducted, usually by government –Eg: Labour Force Survey General Household Survey British Crime Survey Health Survey for England –Repeated cross-sections, often continuous –Important, widely used microdata Joint service –Team at UK Data Archive receive and archive data –Team at Manchester deal with users –Registration for the data managed by ESDS centrally
Role Promoting the use of the data Navigating users through the right materials Creating additional materials to help users discover datasets and supporting materials Encouraging good practice Bridging the gap between data collector and users
GHS/GLF webpage / Survey description and news User meetings and slides
Download datasets via UKDA Help to get started: FAQs and Starting analysis Accessing data and starting analysis Variable search
Publications database Search results Publications search
Other useful resources GHS Time Series Dataset ( ) produced by ONSGHS Time Series Dataset ( ) Analysing Change Over Time Guide GHS Teaching Dataset on social capital Thematic guides: e.g. Social Capital, labour market analysis, health Methodological Guides Helpdesk
Outreach events Introductory workshops Joint workshops with other ESDS services Methods Research conferences Dataset user meetings Other presentations Posters
Keeping in touch Events Website JISCmail esds-govsurveys list Newsletter Helpdesk
For Further info: Helpdesk: (0161) Website: JISCmail:
The Survey Resource Network Slides provided by Bev Botting 17 March 2010
Issues related to the survey process Survey Skills Programme Comprises One day workshop (small charge for attendance) Up to 4 days of placements to get practical hands-on experience of working with a live social survey (free of charge) Discounted fees for other theoretical training through NatCen Learning and IoE (and others in time) Placements include Accompanying an interviewer Shadowing a survey analysis team Visiting a telephone unit We ran 8 workshops in 2009, with another 12 planned for 2010.
Issues related to the survey process Future workshops 20 April 2010 Cardiff Cross National European Social SurveyEuropean Social Survey 05 May 2010 London Culture and sport Taking part surveyTaking part survey 18 May 2010 Belfast Attitudinal Northern Ireland Life and Times SurveyNorthern Ireland Life and Times Survey 07 Sept 2010 London Longitudinal Understanding SocietyUnderstanding Society Oct 2010 Edinburgh Longitudinal Growing up in ScotlandGrowing up in Scotland Oct 2010 Cardiff Longitudinal Household Assets SurveyHousehold Assets Survey 24 Nov 2010 Manchester Health British National Survey of Sexual Attitudes and LifestylesBritish National Survey of Sexual Attitudes and Lifestyles Nov 2010 London Citizenship SurveyCitizenship Survey Book on our website
For further information about the SRN, the Survey Question Bank, or the Survey Skills programme, please visit our website: Or contact the SRN administrator, Iram Awan. Tel: National Centre for Social Research, 35 Northampton Square, London EC1V 0AX.