Movement and Disorders of the Muscles Part 2
Spasms, Cramps, Tics & Tremors Affect anyone Sudden and involuntary contractions Sudden, single “spasms” in a muscle Rhythmic purposeless contractions are “tremors” Caused by dehydration or the absence of electrolytes Treated by hydration, nutrition, and gentle stretching and massage
Running Injuries Occur in runners and athletes and people new to running as hobby/exercise Caused by faulty training technique, lack of warm up, or overexertion May result in swelling, tenderness, and pain Recommended treatment is often RICE Rest Ice Compression Elevation
Muscular Dystrophy Muscular Dystrophy (MD) is a group of muscle diseases that weakens the skeletal muscles and progressively gets worse. Loss of muscle mass and/or buildup of fat and connective tissues Hampers or prevents movement Primarily affects males
Muscular Dystrophy Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) is a common form of muscular dystrophy Presents between ages 2 and 5, when the child may have trouble walking, running, and jumping By age 12, most children with DMD can no longer walk DMD is fatal, with life spans ranging from Usually, respiratory or cardiac failure occurs between 20-30
Muscular Dystrophy Darius Goes West on Netflix