Thomas W. Burrows NSDD 2007, St. Petersburg June 11-15, 2007 Status of the ENSDF Analysis & Utility Codes Thomas W. Burrows* National Nuclear Data Center.


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Presentation transcript:

Thomas W. Burrows NSDD 2007, St. Petersburg June 11-15, 2007 Status of the ENSDF Analysis & Utility Codes Thomas W. Burrows* National Nuclear Data Center Brookhaven National Laboratory Presented by Jagdish K. Tuli * Brookhaven Science Associates

Thomas W. Burrows NSDD 2007, St. Petersburg June 11-15, Status of the ENSDF Analysis & Utility Codes Changes Since the Last NSDD Meeting All programs converted to FORTRAN 95 (C.L. Dunford) –In addition to NSDFLIB and RULER, ALPHAD, ComTrans, FMTCHK, ENSDAT, GTOL, and PANDORA have been distributed –In-house testing needed before distribution of remaining

Thomas W. Burrows NSDD 2007, St. Petersburg June 11-15, Status of the ENSDF Analysis & Utility Codes Changes Since the Last NSDD Meeting (cont.) Program updates (See html for additional updates) html –BrIcc 2.0 (Band-Raman Internal Conversion Coefficients using the "frozen orbitals" hole approximation) distributed. –FMTCHK: Implemented several checks based on an error report from PNPI in May 2005, including checking the residual calculated from the target and reaction against the NUCID.

Thomas W. Burrows NSDD 2007, St. Petersburg June 11-15, Status of the ENSDF Analysis & Utility Codes Changes Since the Last NSDD Meeting (cont.) –GTOL: Converted to double precision. Added tables comparing input level energies to calculated level energies and comparing input transition energies to calculated energies with  2 's. Added a comparison of the normalized  2 to the critical  2. –RULER: Corrected a problem caused in porting from F77 to F95 which sometimes caused the program to skip calculations.

Thomas W. Burrows NSDD 2007, St. Petersburg June 11-15, Status of the ENSDF Analysis & Utility Codes In Progress and Future Plans BrIcc: To be discussed by Tibor Kibédi. Added since May 15, 2007: –GTOL: Investigate possible compiler dependent problems in output to the report file and add additional checks for fatal format errors. –RULER: Add appropriate coding to handle problems noted by Balraj Singh for resonance states when the total  is not equal to .

Thomas W. Burrows NSDD 2007, St. Petersburg June 11-15, RULER Upgrades RULER must be upgraded to properly handle gamma transitions from states where there is competition between gamma decay and particle emission (e.g., proton or neutron emission)

Thomas W. Burrows NSDD 2007, St. Petersburg June 11-15, RULER Upgrades (cont.) The following will be done: –If WIDTHG given on Gamma continuation record, use for calculation –Else if WIDTHG given on Level continuation record, use for calculation Also check for and, if possible, use WIDTHG0, WIDTHG1, etc. –Else if other partial widths (e.g.,  p or  n ) given on Level continuation record, derive   from  and  i –Else if %IT or %G given on Level continuation record, use for calculation (%IT is currently checked for)

Thomas W. Burrows NSDD 2007, St. Petersburg June 11-15, RULER Upgrades (cont.) –If none of the above are given and T 1/2 on Level record indicates a width (eV, keV, or MeV) or is very short (  sec), do one of the following: Treat as if the  -branching is 100% and do all calculations and creation of new Gamma continuation records. Output a warning that this has been done both in the report file and the terminal output. Treat as if the  -branching is 100% and do all calculations but do not create new Gamma continuation records. Output a warning that this has been done both in the report file and the terminal output. Do not do any calculations and indicate that this has been done both in the report file and the terminal output.

Thomas W. Burrows NSDD 2007, St. Petersburg June 11-15, RULER Upgrades (cont.) –If the evaluator has entered the data correctly, this seems to be the best procedure to avoid correlations in the uncertainties (e.g., between  T 1/2 and  %  ).