Sample of our Normal Home Price Evaluator July
Home Price Evaluator Hello Programmer, We do home price graphs for multiple cities eg Abbotsford Top, Abbotsford Lower. The job we want to hire you to do is to make this graph dynamic on our web-page.Abbotsford TopAbbotsford Lower Two Phases Phase 1 - Get the graph going Phase 2 - Draw xml data to change cities Phase 1 - Get the graph going I need a web-based interactive charts like built from the following xls data sheet. This xls will show you two needed data inputs: 1) The previous purchase price of a home which is the main component of the formula. 2) the multiplier which is determined by the date of previous purchase. So we ask the public two questions. A. How much did they pay for the house? B. When did they buy their house (in the date drop- down). You need to use v look up or h look up or some other table look up to determine the corresponding multiplier for the imported date. With these two pieces of inputted data, the graph will be generated. You can try it now by going to the xls and changing the value in the yellow cell. The date cell is not dynamically looking up the corresponding multiplier and we have to manually populate the second data. Phase 2 - Draw xml data to change cities This data need to come from specific xml of Jason connection. We will update this xml with current data each month. This xml data will be named to correspond to each city and be hosted on our server.
How to Code on Intranetsites To create a new web-page, hit Add/Reply and in their you can edit the source code. The source code is where you store your all html. To make it a public page you need to save this as Public page. On their you can add a file such as javascript and xml. You can reference your code with this url - __Appetites.jpg. The file name is the name of file that you put up. Your folder is *.*
Abbotsford Study June 2013 w8c This is LHigh End HPI m7s Mar Home Price History (High End) Abbotsford (Single Family Detached) Home Price Index (HPIp* Top 50% eg: over $500,000* details )details NOTE: *HPIp is the most accurate Home Price Index and is based on paired sales from 2005 onwards; see the HPI procedures on the FAQ at Sources: the Real Estate Boards of Greater Vancouver, Fraser Valley and Chilliwack which assume no responsibility for its accuracy. By: Vancouver Market Reports Top Menu Stock Market Federal Stimulus Programs 3% Mortgages ~30 Billion ph1 ~30 Billion ph 2 BC Stimulus ~4 Billion Olympics Major Asian Influence Crash R E Market Correction