1 Gas Regional Investment Plan North West Europe GRI Meeting, November 25 th 2011
Agenda Why a Gas Regional Investment Plan (GRIP) ? Objectives of this GRIP TSOs from NW European countries North West Europe Specifics Transmission Projects Country Profile Border Review Conclusion and Way Forward 2
3 Why a Gas Regional Investment Plan (GRIP) ? Based on Regulation (EC) 715/2009 (July 13 th 2009) GRIP to be published once every two years (art 12.1) TSOs may take investment decisions based on that GRIP (art. 12.1) TYNDP shall take into account GRIPs (art. 8.10)
Zoom of the TYNDP on transmission projects of the NW Region having impacts on cross-border capacities Highlight how these projects impact the Interconnection points within the NW region Provide most recent useful information on Transmission projects to stakeholders Facilitate the market by showing which projects will increase the interconnectivity on specific x-border points Support informed discussion in assessing the ability of investment projects to answer regional market needs First edition of GRIP feed back from stakeholder to improve the effectiveness of future editions 4 Objectives of this GRIP
5 15 TSOs from 9 NW European countries Belgium Denmark France Germany Ireland Luxemburg the Netherlands Sweden United Kingdom
6 How did we work ? TSOs from one country most often coordinated by one representative to improve effectiveness Opinions and contribution shared and discussed mainly during meetings and conference calls High quality editing work and web publication by ENTSOG High level of commitment from all parties to reach deadlines and to cross check information
7 North West Europe Specifics Played a central role in formation of European gas market since the 60’s (NL Groningen, UK North Sea, …) Increased demand and requirements for imported gas led to develop a x-border gas transportation grid Dwindling indigenous production led to –Bring gas from Norway and Russia and to build LNG Terminals –Construction of underground storage facilities Interconnection Points within the region were required and expanded to provide the region with molecules and swing capacity Stable and secure history of cross-border co-operation
World’s highest level of gas penetration in households, industries and power plants Represents 50 to 60% of total EU27 peak gas demand Extensive gas infrastructure (pipelines, UGS, LNG) able to supply three times as much energy to the market as the existing electricity network 8 North West Europe Specifics
Presented a list of FID and non-FID infrastructure projects Specific for the NW region : –network is resilient to specific disruptions –portfolio diversification will be improved when currently non FID projects come on line NW region still seen as attractive for investors but continued success only in case of –stable investment climate –favorable regulatory framework 9 TYNDP (NW focus)
10 Supply & Demand NW region accounts for 50% to 60% of the total European demand (average and peak) importance of NW region in the European demand mix
11 Supply & Demand Limited additional importation needs would be necessary to cover NW peak demand (supply potential not always fully available)
12 Transmission Projects The focus of the NW GRIP is on TSO projects that impact cross-border capacities on the internal borders of the NW region Updated list of potential future transmission projects for the NW region is presented (FID, non-FID) “New projects” are included (not in TYNDP ) Matrix allows to identify which Interconnection Points (IP) inside the NW region are influenced by the projects Projects that impact import capacity from non EU countries are also included in the NW GRIP
13 Transmission Projects Matrix extract : identifying IP influenced by TSO projects
14 Detailed TSO Projects Appendix 1 extract : TSOs presenting their projects Country & TSO identification Projects status & remarks Technical & Financial informations Changes compared to TYNDP
15 Country Profile Appendix 2 extract : Countries presenting their TSOs Country identification Country map (Entsog references) Country profile overview Country network overview
16 Border Review Appendix 3 extract : Border review identifying impact of projects on x-border Interconnection Points (IP) Geographical Identification of existing / new potential Interconnection points Border identification Border specific matrix extract with reference corresponding to influenced IP point
17 Conclusion and Way Forward Regional cooperation between TSOs is a key element for the effective integration of gas markets in NW Europe NW GRIP is an important step towards that goal GRIP was published on 21 November
18 Conclusion and Way Forward The NW GRIP group would be very pleased to receive any comments, advice or feed back from stakeholders and market players Consultation document will be posted on the ENTSOG Website next to the GRIP Consolidated feed back on consultation will be given in Q1 2012