Module 38 The Major Psychological Disorders Chapter 12 Essentials of Understanding Psychology- Sixth Edition PSY110 Psychology © Richard Goldman June 11, 2006
Anxiety Disorders Anxiety without obvious cause Phobic Disorder Intense irrational fear Panic Disorder Short term intense panic without known cause Generalized Anxiety Disorder Long term persistent anxiety – cause may be known Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder Obsession – Persistent, unwanted thought or idea Compulsion – Irresistible urge to carry out an unreasonable task View List
The Causes of Anxiety Disorders Genetic Gene related to serotonin production Biological Over stimulated limbic system Learned Exaggerated reaction to negative experience Cognitive Inaccurate perceptions
Somatoform Disorders (Psychosomatic) Hypochondriasis Irrational belief of being seriously ill Conversion Disorder Inability to use a particular body part or sense Dissociative Disorders: (escapes from stress) Dissociative Identity Disorder – Multiple Personalities Dissociative Amnesia – Selective memory loss Dissociative Fugue – Trip coupled with amnesia
Mood Disorders Disturbance in emotion that interferes with everyday living Major Depression 15 million in U.S. Twice as many women than men Rate of major depression is increasing Mania State of intense happiness and sense of invulnerability Bipolar Disorders (Manic-Depressive Disorder) Alternating episodes of mania and depression
Schizophrenia Characterized by: Onset Decline in functioning Disturbances of thought and language Delusions Hallucinations an perceptual disorders Emotional disturbances Withdrawal Out of touch with reality Onset Process schizophrenia – slow overtime Reactive schizophrenia – sudden Multiple types with overlapping symptoms
Personality Disorder Characterized by: Major Types: Inflexible, maladaptive traits that keep a person from functioning properly in society Major Types: Antisocial (Sociopath) – lacks feelings of guilt or remorse (make a good con artists) Borderline – Difficulty developing sense of self – Overly dependent on others Narcissistic – Exaggerated sense of self-importance – lacks empathy for others
ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) Previously know as ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder) 3-5% of children in U.S. (35 million)
Entering public spaces Cats Vehicles, driving Flowers Water Spiders Acrophobia Aerophobia Agoraphobia Ailurophobia Amaxophobia Anthophobia Aquaphobia Arachnophobia Astraphobia Brontophobia Claustrophobia Cynophobia Dementophobia Electrophobia Gephyrophobia Heights Flying Entering public spaces Cats Vehicles, driving Flowers Water Spiders Lightning Thunder Closed spaces Dogs Insanity Electricity Bridges Return to Slide 2
Herpetophobia Hydrophobia Mikophobia Murophobia Mysophobia Numerophobia Nyctophobia Ochlophobia Ophidophobia Ornithophobia Phonophobia Pyrophobia Thanatophobia Trichophobia Xenophobia Reptiles Water Germs Mice Dirt or germs Numbers Darkness Crowds Snakes Birds Speaking out loud Fire Death Hair Strangers Previous Slide Return to Slide 2