The Program for enhancing the competitively of food products Legal Frame Types of Projects Work in progress Guideline for organizations
The Program for enhancing the competitively of food products Legal Frame OUG 120/2002 concerning the approval of the Sustainability and Promoting System for Export financed through The State Budget, published in MO. no. 727 / Government Decision 1557/2002 concerning the approval for the mechanism of giving financial support through The State Budget through The Program of Enhancing competitively of food products, published in MO no. 19/ , completed by Government Decision 2206 / 2004 Government Order no. 74/2004 for modification of Government Order 120/2002, published in MO no. 774/ Ministry of Agriculture Order no.508/2005 concerning the components, organization and function of The Commission, published in MO no. 578/ ; Low no. 245 / 2005 for modification of Government Order 120 / 2002 published in MO no. 632 / ; Government Decision 108 / 2006 for modification and completion of Government Decision 1557 / 2002, published in MO no. 106 /
The Program for enhancing the competitively of food products Types of the Projects Implementation and certification of the quality management systems (including HACCP) and/or of the environment management systems; The equipment and/or designs for laboratories, and their certification; Recording and protecting on external market of labels, inventions, Romanian industrial designs and models.
The Program for enhancing the competitively of food products Work in progress 200 projects with a total value of the requested support of 19,5 mil.RON, where : 124 projects are for the implementation and certification of quality systems and 76 projects are for the equipment and certification of laboratories 37 projects with a value of 3,2 mil RON were finalized; 68 projects are in the phase of contracting – founding 2006 – 6,6 mil. RON ; 80 projects – are being discussed by The Commission; 15 projects were rejected.
The Program for enhancing the competitively of food products Guideline for companies www Finding and the study of the legal frame The documentation The request Eligibility criteria for the company Eligibility criteria for the Project
The Program for enhancing the competitively of food products Eligibility criteria for the companies The company’s statute; The certification of registration at The National Register for Commerce; The last Balance Sheet; Certificate which shows that the local fees and taxes are being paid; The certificate of registration at the public department of finance; Statement on own responsibility regarding the rightness of the data; Statement on own responsibility regardind the existence of financial resources for co-financing; Statement on own responsibility that in the last three years, the company didn’t used any governmental founds over RON; Organization’s Chart; decizia de numire a comisiei pentru intocmirea si implementarea proiectului; licente de fabricatie conform OG 42 / 1995, privind productia de produse alimentare destinate comercializarii.
The Program for enhancing the competitively of food products Eligibility Criteria for the Project The name and the type of the project; The actual situation of the company and of the laboratory; The justification of the project proposal; Export opportunities ; Tehnichal specifications of the equipments or of the proposed measures; Estimated costs and cash-flow of payments ; elements which fundament the estimated results; elements which assure the sustainability of the estimated results – financial projections
Useful information The solicitants will address the documentation to The Romanian Ministry of Agriculture, Forests and Rural Development, in Bucharest, 24 Carol I Bvd., 3 rd Sector and will keep in touch with the Commission’s Secretary, at the fallow phone numbers : 021 / si 021 /