NASSP Masters 5003F - Computational Astronomy Lecture 8 Some further unix & python tips Good programming habits Catalog cross-matching Bayesian variability test
NASSP Masters 5003F - Computational Astronomy More Unix tips and tricks: redirection. How to redirect your output: –If I do –I get –etc. But if I do –I apparently don’t get anything. But! Look inside file99: –etc. $ ls > file99 benne.html Desktop Examples pic26867.jpg $ more file99 benne.html Desktop $ ls
NASSP Masters 5003F - Computational Astronomy More Unix tips and tricks: redirection. The > character redirects the output of ls (or any other command) from the screen to the named file. Careful! It will overwrite any pre-existing file of that name. If you just want to add stuff to the end of an existing file, use >> instead of >. To redirect errors, you have to be more elaborate. But we won’t worry about that. If you want to send the output to another command, use | (called a ‘pipe’). Eg a2ps | lp -dljuct
NASSP Masters 5003F - Computational Astronomy Dots in Unix. A dot. in Unix has several different functions, depending on context. 1.Here it is just part of a filename: 2.Here is the first character in the name of a ‘hidden’ file (ls won’t list these – but ls –a will): 3.Here it means run the script called fred: 4.Here it means the present working directory: $. fred $ export PATH=/usr/bin:. $ ls./* Note the space!
NASSP Masters 5003F - Computational Astronomy Double dots in Unix. Two dots in a row means the directory 1 higher up the tree from here. It can save you some typing. Eg the following: –If I want to cd back to comp_astron, there’s two ways to do it. The long way: –Or the short way: $ pwd /home/ims/doc/teaching/comp_astron $ ls code latex figures $ cd code $ pwd /home/ims/doc/teaching/comp_astron/code $ cd /home/ims/doc/teaching/comp_astron $ cd../
NASSP Masters 5003F - Computational Astronomy The tilde ~ This is another symbol which has a meaning which depends on context. 1.Here it means the file is a backup. The shell makes these under certain conditions. They record the file before your last change. Obviously this can be useful! 2.Here it is shorthand for your home directory. As an aside, cd with no arguments always takes you direct to home: $ cd ~/doc/teaching some_file_name~ $ cd
NASSP Masters 5003F - Computational Astronomy Another few cm of the python. The range function – it is a bit tricky. Note the following: Function returns. Note: This is a tuple. It is better to be explicit... >>> print range(3) [0, 1, 2] >>> print range(0,3) [0, 1, 2] >>> def some_func(arg1,arg2):... a = arg1 + arg2... b = arg1 – arg2... return a, b... >>> c = some_func(42, 2) >>> print c (44, 40)
NASSP Masters 5003F - Computational Astronomy Another few cm of the python. Also in the function call: –is better than You can also force it to return a list: >>> def some_func(arg1,arg2):... a = arg1 + arg2... b = arg1 – arg2... return (a, b) >>> (summ, diff) = some_func(42, 2) >>> c = some_func(42, 2) >>> def anuther_func(arg1,arg2):... a = arg1 + arg2... b = arg1 – arg2... return [a, b]... >>> c = anuther_func(20, 19) >>> print c [39, 1]
NASSP Masters 5003F - Computational Astronomy Another few cm of the python. The for statement - most of you know this way: But you can also do this: Saves a bit of typing. >>> mylist = [‘peas’,’beans’,’dead dog’] >>> for i in range(len(mylist)):... item = mylist[i]... print item... peas beans dead dog >>> mylist = [‘peas’,’beans’,’dead dog’] >>> for item in mylist:... print item... peas beans dead dog
NASSP Masters 5003F - Computational Astronomy Good vs. EVIL programming habits. The good: –Make your code as unspecialized as possible. –Chunk tasks into functions and modules. The bad: –GOTO – python has abolished this statement. –Equality testing against reals. Eg Only do this against zero. –Leaving some values untested, eg: if (myvar == 7.2): if (nuddervar < 5.9): # do something elif (nuddervar > 5.9): # do something else
NASSP Masters 5003F - Computational Astronomy Good vs. EVIL programming habits. The bad continued: –Changing function arguments. Eg –This is actually only ugly...BAD is doing it with lists. Try the following: –Using reserved words for variable names. The ugly: –Too-short variable names. def hobbit_state(bilbo, sam): sam = ‘hungry’ >>> def moonshine(list_of_moons):... list_of_moons.append(‘half’)... >>> mondlicht = [‘new’,’blue’] >>> moonshine(mondlicht) >>> print mondlicht
NASSP Masters 5003F - Computational Astronomy Catalog cross-matching It sometimes happens that you have 2 lists of objects, which you want to cross-match. –Maybe the lists are sources observed at different frequencies. –The situation also arises in simulations. I’ll deal with the simulations situation first, because it is easier. –So: we start with a bunch of simulated sources. Let’s keep it simple and assume they all have the same brightness. –We add noise, then see how many we can find.
NASSP Masters 5003F - Computational Astronomy Catalog cross-matching –In order to know how well our source- detection machinery is working, we need to match each detection with one of the input sources. How do we do this? How do we know the ‘matched’ source is the ‘right one’?...I haven’t done a rigorous search of the literature yet – these are just my own ideas. CAVEAT:
NASSP Masters 5003F - Computational Astronomy Catalog cross-matching Black: simulated sources Red: 1 of many detections (with 68% confidence interval). This case seems clear.
NASSP Masters 5003F - Computational Astronomy Catalog cross-matching But what about these cases? No matches inside confidence interval. Too many matches inside confidence interval.
NASSP Masters 5003F - Computational Astronomy Catalog cross-matching Or these? Is any a good match?Which is ‘nearest’?
NASSP Masters 5003F - Computational Astronomy Catalog cross-matching My conclusion: 1.The shape of the confidence intervals affects which source is ‘nearest’. 2.The size of the confidence intervals has nothing to do with the probability that the ‘nearest’ match is non-random. 1.‘Nearest neighbour’ turns out to be a slipperier concept than we at first think. To see this, imagine that we have now 1 spatial dimension and 1 flux dimension:
NASSP Masters 5003F - Computational Astronomy Catalog cross-matching S x S x Which is the best match??? This makes more sense. Let’s then define r as: Source 5?Or source 8?
NASSP Masters 5003F - Computational Astronomy Catalog cross-matching 2.As for the probability... well, what is the null hypothesis in this case? –Answer: that the two catalogs have no relation to each other. –So, we want the probability that, with a random distribution of the simulated sources, a source would lie as close or closer to the detected source than r nearest. –This is given by: –where ρ is the expected density of sim sources and V is the volume inside r nearest. P null = 1 – exp(- ρ V)
NASSP Masters 5003F - Computational Astronomy Catalog cross-matching So the procedure for matching to a simulated catalog is: 1.For each detection, find the input source for which r is smallest. 2.Calculate the probability of the null hypothesis from P null = 1 – exp(-ρV). 3.Discard those sources for which P null is greater than a pre-decided (low) cutoff. What about the general situation of matching between different catalogs?
NASSP Masters 5003F - Computational Astronomy Catalog cross-matching ASCA data – M Akiyama et al (2003)
NASSP Masters 5003F - Computational Astronomy Bayesian variability analysis
NASSP Masters 5003F - Computational Astronomy Bayesian variability analysis
NASSP Masters 5003F - Computational Astronomy Bayesian variability analysis
NASSP Masters 5003F - Computational Astronomy Bayesian variability analysis
NASSP Masters 5003F - Computational Astronomy Bayesian variability analysis
NASSP Masters 5003F - Computational Astronomy Bayesian variability analysis
NASSP Masters 5003F - Computational Astronomy Bayesian variability analysis J D Scargle (1998)