Weimaraners By Jordan VanOort
Classification Kingdom= Animalia Phylum= Chordata Class= Mammalia Order= Carnivora Family= Canidae Genus= Canus Species= Lupus
Dimensions Length ft. Height m. Weight lbs. Colors gray with a white belly sometimes black or blue Shape 4 legs, floppy ears, wet black nose, and short stubby tail
Habitat Part of world: Germany Environment: back yard or house
Diet Dog food Cat food? Human food
Family life # born: 5-8 Gestation:60 days When born: spring Care: the mother gives them warm milk and lays with them all day Shelter: someone's home, pound, or 2 nd
Social behavior Dog Tricks Hunting Very good at swimming
Characteristics Temperament: bred to hunt all day, needs an athletic owner. A bored Weimaraner will bark up a storm, demolish your home and yard, even attempt to escape in search of adventure.
Characteristics continued Habits: love to eat, get exercise, and send and receive love. Defenses: they don’t have any defenses but are very good at hunting. Food: the owner feeds them dog food. Life span: 13 years
History Weimaraners were first bred by the court of Weimer in Germany during the early 19th century. While the dog’s earliest origins are something of a mystery, the historical record and various theorists have tried to fill in some of the holes. Some believe the Weimaraner is the result of albinism in an old breed of German pointing dog, while others claim to see traces of the Bloodhound in the Weim, and others still believe the Weimaraner is simply an amalgamation of many German hunting breeds.
History continued The Weimaraner is a pointer, and was originally used for hunting, tracking, and bringing down big game. They were popular in German courts for their speed, athleticism, sense of smell, courage and stamina. Because they have webbed feet Weimaraners are fine swimmers, and as big game became scarce in Germany the dog was put to use retrieving downed waterfowl from lakes and streams.
Present status Not endangered over 1000 alive Live in homes
Relationship with humans Mans best friend Hunt Dog shows
Facts They are Intelligent, Loyal and Dependable, Responsive, Fun-loving, Takes charge if no one else does, Stubborn, Highly Energetic, Spiteful, Demanding, Good with Children, A good Watch Dog, Strong Willed, Bossy, A Good Friend, Very Devoted to its Family, Mischievous, Very Sensitive