The Taiga Biomes By: Januarie Espinoza
Physical Description The Taiga Biome is the LARGEST terrestrial biome on the earth . It has many features such as mountains ,trees ,and lakes.
Climate and Temperature During the summer the temp. stays around 68f . The summers are also short with long days. The winters get really cold usually -40.c or below . The animals don’t really care its there habitat so there already used to it.
Precipitation The precipitation in the taiga biome is about 25-75 cm or 10in.
10 biotic things in the Taiga 1.Moose 2.Canada geese 3.River otter 4.Gray wolves 5.Red-tailed hawks 6. Spruce trees 7. Fir trees 8. Pine trees 9. Conifer leaves 10. Blue berries
10 abiotic things in the Taiga 1. Water 2. Air 3. Snow 4.Dirt 5. Facieses 6.Carcasice 7. Rocks 8.Mountians 9.Dead plants and animals 10. Rain
5 common animals In the taiga there are many different animals there are animals that eat each other and animals that don’t here is a list moose ,Canada geese, river otter, gray wolves , and beavers .
5 common plants There are TALL spruce trees and fir trees, theres blueberries ,and needle like trees called conifer trees.
Did you know ??? That the word taiga is a Russia word for marshy forest ? In the northern part of Russia lakes stretch for more than 9,000 miles. Glaciers scraped were the lakes are now . The melted ice from the glaciers are the water in the lakes now.
Impact from Humans We do have an impact on the animals in the Taiga biome, because we kill the animals that live there for their fur and meat.
Biotic and abotic There all a part of the food chain. An abiotic gives energy to a biotic. Example the sun gives energy to a mushroom a mushroom gives energy to the plant eater and then a carnivore eats the plant eater.