1 Rugby and Rosie Rugby and Rosie Rugby and Rosie Rugby and Rosie Rugby and Rosie by Robin Sas by Robin Sas
2 Objectives: You will: You will: –recognize base or root words with the suffix –ly, -ed, and –ing,and how they affect meaning. –Practice recognizing irregular past tense verbs. –Recognize contractions. –Recognize difficult words in the story. –Spelling sound short o. –Develop fluency reading words and sentences.
3 Day 1 Word Knowledge eagerlytightly friendly wiggly squiggly eagerlytightly friendly wiggly squiggly What do these word have in common? What do these word have in common? Suffix –ly. What happens to the word when it adds –ly? Suffix –ly. What happens to the word when it adds –ly? It becomes an adverb: a word that modifies a verb, an adjective, or another adverb. It becomes an adverb: a word that modifies a verb, an adjective, or another adverb. Did any of the spelling patterns change when adding –ly? Did any of the spelling patterns change when adding –ly? Yes, you drop the e when adding –ly on wiggle and squiggle Yes, you drop the e when adding –ly on wiggle and squiggle
4 Licked trotted waggedturned moped Licked trotted waggedturned moped What do these words have in common? What do these words have in common? Suffix –ed Suffix –ed Identify the base or root word and circle it. Identify the base or root word and circle it. Why does trotted and wagged have a double consonant? Why does trotted and wagged have a double consonant? Short vowel sound why doesn’t licked or turned? Short vowel sound why doesn’t licked or turned? Double consonant after the vowel. Double consonant after the vowel. Rule: The final consonant doubles when it is a consonant-vowel-consonant word and a suffix is being added. Rule: The final consonant doubles when it is a consonant-vowel-consonant word and a suffix is being added.
5 chasing racing pleasing leaving having chasing racing pleasing leaving having What do these word have in common? What do these word have in common? Suffix –ing Suffix –ing What happens when you add –ing to a word that aends with an e? What happens when you add –ing to a word that aends with an e? Drop the e and add the ending of –ing. Drop the e and add the ending of –ing.
6 Know knew make made thinkthought Know knew make made thinkthought What do these words have in common? What do these words have in common? Irregular past tense verbs Irregular past tense verbs Usually to make a verb past tense you only have to add –ed. These are different. Usually to make a verb past tense you only have to add –ed. These are different. Give the past tense of these verbs: Give the past tense of these verbs: run tell throw drink hang buy spend run tell throw drink hang buy spend ran told threw drank hung bought spent ran told threw drank hung bought spent
7 wasn’t he’d didn’t wouldn’t couldn’t she’s wasn’t he’d didn’t wouldn’t couldn’t she’s What do these words have in common? What do these words have in common? Contractions: a word made from two words using an apostrophe to take the place of omitted letters. Contractions: a word made from two words using an apostrophe to take the place of omitted letters. Chocolate restaurant tongues especially patient What do these words have in common? Challenging words from the story. What do they mean? Pond job lots got stop What do these words have in common? Short o sound and spelling words.
8 Sentence 1: She leaned forward eagerly and licked Rugby right on the nose. Sentence 2: He made it very clear he wasn’t interested in being friends. Sentence 3: Day after day, Rugby just moped around and wouldn’t play with us. Identify the words with suffixes Identify the words with suffixes Learned, eagerly, licked, interested, being, friends, moped Learned, eagerly, licked, interested, being, friends, moped What are the contractions? What are the contractions? Wasn’t wouldn’t Wasn’t wouldn’t What is the irregular past tense verb? What is the irregular past tense verb? made made
9 Sentence 4: A pond is a habitat for lots of animals. Which words have a short o sound? ponds lots
10 Objective: Today we will learn new words so that we can better understand what we read.
11 commands Dad showed me how to teach her simple commands: come, sit, stand, down, stay, and heel. Dad showed me how to teach her simple commands: come, sit, stand, down, stay, and heel. The dog trainer gave the dog many commands. The dog trainer gave the dog many commands.
12 Commands dictionary page 149 Thesaurus page110 Short, firm instructions Synonyms: order, dictate, mandate Antonyms: insecurity, uncertainly, vagueness Part of speech: verb or noun
13 manners My father sometimes has to remind me to watch my manners at the dinner table. My father sometimes has to remind me to watch my manners at the dinner table. They used good manners at the graduation ceremony. They used good manners at the graduation ceremony.
14 Manners dictionary page 449 Thesaurus page 379 Habits of behavior Part of speech: noun Synonyms: habit, style, custom Antonyms: uncivilized unmannerly
15 proud I am very proud of the picture I painted. I am very proud of the picture I painted. The teacher is proud of her students. The teacher is proud of her students.
16 Proud Dictionary page 593 Thesaurus page 470 Feeling very pleased with something Part of speech: Adjective Synonyms: superior Antonyms: meek, modest, humble
17 trainers We had two different trainers who worked with our dog, Zeke. We had two different trainers who worked with our dog, Zeke. Their dog trainers taught the dogs many tricks. Their dog trainers taught the dogs many tricks.
18 Trainers Dictionary page 800 Teacher, coach Part of speech: Noun Synonyms: teacher, coach Antonyms: student
19 graduation I went to my little sister’s kindergarten graduation last year. I went to my little sister’s kindergarten graduation last year. After the graduation his family went out to dinner. After the graduation his family went out to dinner.
20 Graduation Dictionary page 319 Ceremony to mark the completion of a full course of study Part of speech: noun Synonym: pass Antonym: fail
21 Spelling Words (short o) rot rot shot shot crop crop sock sock clock clock flock flock body body spot spot stocking stocking lobby lobby stop stop got got lots lots job job pond pond
22 Day 1: Prior Knowledge Have any of you ever lived with a dog? Have you ever played with a dog? Do you know someone who has two dogs? Do they play together? How do people train dogs? How would you feel if you knew that your pet was going to help someone who really needed it?
23 Build Background This story is a realistic fiction story is about the bonds that develop between people and pets and pets living in the same home.. The elements of realistic fiction are: Characters behave as people do in real life. The setting of the story is a real place or could be. The events in the story could happen in real life.
24 Preview and Prepare Let’s browse through the story looking for any clues, problems, and wonderings you might have about the story. Selection Vocabulary
25 Student Observation Clues Problems Wonderings Rugby is a Labrador How do Rugby Dog. Is and Rosie Rosie a dog meet? Too?
26 First Read pages We are going to read our selection using these comprehension strategies: Making connections Asking questions Predicting
27 My Prediction What Happened
28 Language Arts Verb Phrase A verb phrase is one or more helping verbs followed by the main verb. Helping verbs help the main verb express an action or state of being. Example: She has won the race. Helping verb + main verb She could have won the race. Two helping verbs + main verb
29 Language Arts Verb Phrases workbook pages Example: I am going to eat a sandwich for lunch. Am going to eat is the verb phrase. Eat is the main verb; am and going are the helping verbs. Practice: Marjorie told Thomas he could borrow her book. Could borrow is the verb phrase; borrow is the main verb; could is the helping verb.
30 Objectives: Day 2 You will: –Develop fluency reading words and sentences.
31 Day 2 Word knowledge eagerlytightly friendly wiggly squiggly Licked trotted wagged turnedmoped chasing racing pleasing leaving having Know knew make made thinkthought run tell throw drink hang buy spend wasn’t he’d didn’t wouldn’t couldn’t she’s pond job lots got stop Choose two words and make them into a sentence, cross out words Example: He wasn’t chasing the cat.
32 First Read pages We are going to read our selection using these comprehension strategies: Making connections Asking questions Predicting
33 My Prediction What Happened
34 Language Arts Verb Practice 1. I could go to the zoo. Could go is the verb phrase; go is the main verb; could is the helping verb 2. You should buy that sweater. Should buy is the verb phrase; buy is the main verb; should is the helping verb
35 Your turn write the sentences underline the verb phrase, circle the main verb and put a box around the helping verb 1. We were planning on leaving tomorrow. 2. We might have won the prize, but we won’t know until Monday. 1. were planning on leaving is the verb phrase; leaving is the main verb; were and planning are the helping verbs. 2. might have won and won’t know are the verb phrases; won and know are main verbs; might have and won’t are helping verbs.
36 Word sorting spelling short vowels with, blob, stuck, jaw, lock, black, bottle, slot, hot, caught, sock, dog,stack a e i o u
37 Objectives: Day 3 You will: –Develop fluency reading words and sentences. –Review the spelling pattern of the short o sound –Use comprehension strategies such cause and effect as they read the story the second time. –Review long e vowel sounds
38 Day 3 Phonics and Fluency even cedar secret lean eager clear eve compete athlete Rugby funny city family meet sleep greet degree brief grief chief What do these have n common? Long e sound What letters make this sound? E, ea, e_e, _y, ee, _ie_
39 Jean wants a puppy for her birthday. She will eat only one piece of cake. Circle the spelling of long e in the sentences. Jean=ea, puppy=_y, she=e, eat=ea, piece=ie. Sometimes the three of us went swimming in a nearby pond. Circle the spelling of long e in the sentences. Three=ee, nearby=ea
40 Second Read pages We are going to read our selection using these comprehension strategies: Cause and effect helps readers identify what causes events to happen or what caused characters to behave in certain ways, which helps readers put together logical explanations in the story.
41 Cause: is why something happens. Effect: is what happens as a result. Example: The teacher called on Iris because Iris raised her hand. What happened? Teacher called on Iris Effect Why did it happen? It is raised her hand Cause
42 Use these questions to help figure out cause and effect. What happened? Effect Why did it happen? Cause The tire went flat because Dad ran over a nail. Effect: What happened? Tire went flat Cause: Why did it happen? Dad ran over a nail.
43 Practice Cause and effect It was raining so I got wet. Effect: What happened? Ground I got wet Cause: Why did it happen? It rained I studied so I got an A on my report card.. Effect: I got an A on my report card Cause: I studied
44 Write the effect (what happened) and cause (why it happened). 1.I was tired, so I fell asleep while driving. 2.I fell asleep while driving so I have an accident. 3.I when to the hospital because I had an accident. 4.My family came to visit me because I went to the hospital. 5.My mother was mad at me because I had an accident.
45 Objectives: Day 4 You will: –Develop fluency reading words and sentences. –Review the spelling pattern of the short o sound –Use comprehension strategies such cause and effect as they read the story the second time. –Review long e vowel sounds
46 Dictation line 1: ________ ________ ________ line 2: ________ ________ ________ Challenge Word: ___________________ Sentence:_________________________ _________________________________
47 Second Read pages We are going to read our selection using these comprehension strategies: Cause and effect helps readers identify what causes events to happen or what caused characters to behave in certain ways, which helps readers put together logical explanations in the story.
48 Checking Comprehension 1. Rubgy and his boy are best friends. What happens to their friendship when Rosie comes to live with the family? Rugby doesn’t want to share his boy with Rosie, but once he gets to know the puppy, all three become best friends.
49 Rosie left the family after only a year to learn how to be a guide dog. Why did the boy in the story sometimes wish that Rosie wasn’t doing well with her trainers? The boy knew that Rosie was being trained for a job, but he still missed her and wanted her to live with him.
50 Why did the boy have mixed feelings about Rosie leaving? He wanted Rosie to help someone who needed her, but he know he would miss her. How can you tell the boy has learned to accept Rosie’s new life? He is excited about the new puppy they are keeping.
51 How do the characters in this selection show friendship? The boy and Rugby are friends because they play together; and the boy is careful with Rugby’s feelings. Rugby and Rosie are friends too because they play together and keep each other company. Rugby misses her when she leaves.
52 Alphabetical Order Rules 1. When words start with different letters, use the first letter of each word to put the words in ABC order. Example: buddy friend pal 2. When the words start with the same first letter, use the next letter that is different in each word to put the words in ABC order. Example: soggy spoiled stoop
53 3. If the first word of a title is a, an, or the, do not use that word. Instead, se the first letter of the second word. Example: “The Boy Who Didn’t Believe in Spring” “A Cloak for the Dreamer” “The Tree House”
54 4. When you look up or list names, use the first letter of the person’s last name. Ann Cameron Peter Burg Lois Lowry Practice with these words: patient, manners, graduation Workbook pages 33-34
55 Sentence Variety Put sentences that are the same ideas together. A am a teacher. I teach third grade. I love to teach. We learn new things. I enjoy my student. Can you think of different ways to make these sentences more interesting.
56 Sentence Variety You change the sentences to more interesting sentences. 1. I love cake. I love soda. I love candy. 2. I woke up early. I jumped out of bed. I was excited. I was going to the circus. It would be great. 1. I love cake, soda, and candy. 2. This morning I woke up early and jumped out of bed. I was excited because today was the day I was going to the circus. It would be great. Workbook pages 39-40
57 Day 5… General Review and test time