Need to Know 9/9/14 Group work! Swimming is really the healthiest exercise anyone can do. Running is also a great way to get a body in shape. Jumping rope is healthy, too, and it’s a lot of fun. Talking on the phone with a friend can be fun, but you don’t get much exercise. Going to the movies can be amusing, and if you walk there, it might be healthy. 1. Which sentence from the paragraph is irrelevant and should be deleted? (EQ 15) A. Running is also a great way to get a body in shape. B. Jumping rope is healthy, too, and it’s a lot of fun. C. Talking on the phone with a friend can be fun, but you don’t get much exercise. D. Going to the movies can be amusing, and if you walk there, it might be healthy.
Need to Know 9/9/14 (Cont’d) Read the following passage: “Japan Makes Sudden Attack” bottom of pg. 9 Answer the following questions in complete sentences: 2. In your own words, what is the main idea of the newspaper article? (EQ 14) 3. List TWO specific supporting details from the passage. (EQ 14)
Open your books to page 254 Read “What is a Teacher?” Read “What is a Teacher?” Predict what you think the passage from “I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings” is going to be about just based on the title. Predict what you think the passage from “I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings” is going to be about just based on the title. EQ: 6 How do we analyze the impact of the author’s choice of point of view? EQ: 6 How do we analyze the impact of the author’s choice of point of view? EQ7: How do we investigate methods used by the author to reveal character? EQ7: How do we investigate methods used by the author to reveal character?
Listen and follow along in your book as we read. Be prepared to respond to discussion questions Be prepared to respond to discussion questions
EQ: 7 Characterization Reread lines What is distinctive about Mrs. Flowers appearance and demeanor? Reread lines What is distinctive about Mrs. Flowers appearance and demeanor? What idea is the writer developing about Mrs. Flowers? What idea is the writer developing about Mrs. Flowers?
Possible Responses Mrs. Flowers seems more knowing and powerful than other people. She is unaffected by weather conditions., and her clothing matches her alone. She stays apart from others, and unlike them, wears gloves. Mrs. Flowers seems more knowing and powerful than other people. She is unaffected by weather conditions., and her clothing matches her alone. She stays apart from others, and unlike them, wears gloves.
What is a teacher? Think about what it means to be a mentor? Think about what it means to be a mentor? Based on What Angelou says in lines , what did she learn from Mrs. Flowers? Based on What Angelou says in lines , what did she learn from Mrs. Flowers?
Possible responses She learned the meaning of being a gentlewoman and the standard of what it means to be a human being. She learned the meaning of being a gentlewoman and the standard of what it means to be a human being.
EQ 16: How do we arrange sentences to construct the most effective paragraph? We are going to read the passage on the worksheet together. We are going to read the passage on the worksheet together. You make work with a buddy to complete the sentences. Write in pencil, as you may need to go back and correct something later. You make work with a buddy to complete the sentences. Write in pencil, as you may need to go back and correct something later. Be prepared to share your work on the board! Be prepared to share your work on the board! I will be taking this for a grade at the end of the class. I will be taking this for a grade at the end of the class.
Exit Ticket What is the main idea of a passage and is it always stated (obvious) or is it implied? What is the main idea of a passage and is it always stated (obvious) or is it implied? How do we know if a sentence is irrelevant or not? How do we know if a sentence is irrelevant or not? What is characterization: indirect vs direct What is characterization: indirect vs direct