“Flying” Unit: Nonfiction Focus: Autobiography and Author’s Purpose
Essential Question #1 What influence does an author’s background have on his or her writing? An author's background brings personal experience and insight into the literature and allows readers to develop an understanding of the writer's voice, background, and personality.
Essential Question #2 How do we evaluate the author’s purpose in nonfiction selections? Readers must determine the author's purpose by deciding if the selection is meant to entertain,inform, persuade, or express an opinion.
Types of Writing Four Purposes for Writing EntertainInformPersuadeOpinion
What do you know? Create a WordSplash for “flying.” Write down anything you can think of that relates to flying.
Who was Charles Lindbergh? What do you know about Charles Lindbergh? Make a short list in your notes. Reeve Lindbergh, his daughter, wrote this autobiographical account of flying with her famous father. What do you think her life was like—having such a famous person as her dad?
The Spirit of St. Louis Charles Lindbergh’s plane, The Spirit of St. Louis, is on display in the Smithsonian Museum of American History. He made history by flying solo across the Atlantic Ocean in Oo Oo
Anecdote a brief account of an interesting or amusing event ****************************** As you read this story, think about the anecdotes the author tells you. Which ones do you find amusing?
Influence of Author’s Background Elements of voice, background, and personality: Author’s heritage, traditions, attitude, and beliefs are revealed in his or her writing. Read the following passages to identify examples of influences on Reeve Lindbergh’s life: –Ex. 1: p. 123, right column, paragraph 1 –Ex. 2: p.124, left column, paragraph 1
Vocabulary Quiz Match the word to the definition. 1. Diminish 2. Monotonous 3. Perilous 4. Tandem 5. Tethered A. One behind the other B. Make smaller or less C. Repeating over and over, without variety D. Tied to the ground or to another object E. Full of danger
Vocabulary 1. “Your fear of the water will diminish as your swimming skills increase,” said the instructor. 2. Hidden dangers lurked along the perilous trail. 3. The pioneers tethered their own oxen at night to prevent them from wandering off. 4. We rented a tandem bicycle and argued over who would get the back seat. 5. The monotonous whirring of the overhead fan makes me sleepy.