The TEAM Thing …trying to get weird people to function together … Presented by Steve Thomas September 2, 2015 [session four] RETHINK!
FOUNDATIONS! But, first a little review.
What is TEAM? The word originally referred to a group of animals hitched together pulling in a common direction to a common goal …as in the case of a team of horses or a dog team. Expressed in this manner, it becomes graphically clear that if one of the horses strays and wanders off course, all the other horses have to pull harder to keep the team in line and enable it to achieve its goal. Or, if one of the dogs falls asleep in its traces, all the other dogs have to work harder to move the team along. And so it is with teams of people. A team requires a dynamic shared commitment where everyone makes a difference. As a team player, what you do either contributes to moving the team in the desired direction, or what you do impedes the group’s progress, and everyone has to work harder to move you and the rest of the team towards the desired end. In this respect the team challenge is a personal one. And a commitment to enhancing individual performance can enrich both the player’s and the team’s experience. - Dr. Saul Miller – Why Teams Win
As a team player, what you do either contributes to moving the team in the desired direction, or what you do impedes the group’s progress… common direction to a common goal (+) (-)
4 kinds of team players… Unintentional (+) Contribution Intentional (+) Contribution Unintentional (-) Contribution Intentional (-) Contribution
- Things going on at home - Not happy - Feel they can’t do the job - Low confidence - Negative person by nature - Haven’t fully learned the job - People skills are underdeveloped - Company culture is down for everyone - Stress due to…(too many expectations/home/finances/etc.) - They don’t know what positive contributions look like Why would someone make Unintentional(-)Contributions?
What does IN (+) CON look like to you and your team? You cannot hold someone accountable for what they don’t know!
DO + ARE Who you What you = IN (+) CON What makes someone valuable to the organization? [or anything?]
DO + ARE Who you What you Job descriptions Strategy Org chart Core values Team operating values Vows = Complete Culture
So, at the core…foundation…what is someone doing to make Intentional (+) Contributions?
FOUNDATIONS OF TEAM +1 Trust: Confident expectations!
FOUNDATIONS OF TEAM +1 Trust: Confident expectations! What builds trust?
Ability Commitment Improvement Communication Responsibility Care Connection Listening All of these are a state of mind and a vulnerable behavior.
I don’t trust when I don’t want to be vulnerable!
Absence of trust Absence of commitment = I don’t trust when I don’t want to be vulnerable!
FOUNDATIONS OF TEAM +1 Trust +2 Understanding: Other people exist!
FOUNDATIONS OF TEAM +2 Understanding: Other people exist! Do you want to be wise?
FOUNDATIONS OF TEAM +2 Understanding: Other people exist! Do you want to be wise? Knowledge is knowing a tomato is a fruit. Wisdom is not putting it in a fruit salad.
What is UNDERSTANDING??? ability to grasp meaning: the ability to perceive and explain the meaning or nature of somebody or something a deeper knowledge of something: a sympathetic, empathetic, or tolerant recognition of somebody else's nature or situation an informed interpretation: a belief or opinion based on an interpretation of or inference from something
FOUNDATIONS OF TEAM +1 Trust +2 Understanding +3 Acceptance It is what it is…deal or deny!
FOUNDATIONS OF TEAM +3 Acceptance It is what it is…deal or deny!
FOUNDATIONS OF TEAM +1 Trust +2 Understanding +3 Acceptance +4 Encouragement Fuel it up!
FOUNDATIONS OF TEAM +4 Encouragement Fuel it up!
APPRECIATON LANGUAGES… Quality Time Acts of Service Tangible Gifts Words of Affirmation Physical Touch The 5 Languages of Appreciation in the Workplace Gary Chapman & Paul White
“The deepest human need is…the need to be appreciated.” - William James
FOUNDATIONS OF TEAM +1 Trust +2 Understanding +3 Acceptance +4 Encouragement +5 Authenticity The last 20%!
The first 40%
The next 40%
The first 40%The next 40% The last 20%
FOUNDATIONS OF TEAM +1 Trust +2 Understanding +3 Acceptance +4 Encouragement +5 Authenticity +6 Accountability Do you want to get better?
FOUNDATIONS OF TEAM +6 Accountability Do you want to get better?
FOUNDATIONS OF TEAM What is running in the place of these?… +1 Trust +2 Understanding +3 Acceptance +4 Encouragement +5 Authenticity +6 Accountability Cynicism/Isolation Blame/Judgment/Arrogance Resistance/Tolerance Discouragement/Silence/ Gossip/Flattery Façade/Dishonesty/Deception Good/Irresponsible/Unreliable
FOUNDATIONS OF TEAM +1 Trust +2 Understanding +3 Acceptance +4 Encouragement +5 Authenticity +6 Accountability What is the thread that runs through all of this?
After starting a leadership session playing the piano, Ron Sugar, chairman, CEO and president of Northrop Grumman Corporation, would explain that… If people are going to follow you, they need to know more about you than the fact that you’re their boss. He would go on to say… “Leadership is personal. Unless you know who you are, what you are prepared to do, and why, you can’t hope to achieve anything very grand.” “Do the people who work for and with you know if you can play the piano? Do they know who you are, what you care about, and why they ought to follow you ?”
THING 1 – The higher the level of connection, the higher the level of everything else! 4 Things about Connection… THING 2 – It is not enough for you to understand people. They need to understand that you understand them! THING 4 – The more you connect with your team, the more likely you are to accomplish your goal with them! THING 3 – Relationship happens because…connection happens intentionally!
The higher the level of connection, the higher the level of everything else!
More connection, more… +1 Trust +2 Understanding +3 Acceptance +4 Encouragement +5 Authenticity +6 Accountability Connection holds them all in place!
The worth of a human being lies in the ability to extend oneself, to go outside oneself, to exist in and for other people.
What now? + Review the Session Three “What Now?” slide. Create core values, standards or expectations + Explore the Foundations of TEAM. Decide where the team is strong and where there needs to be improvement. Create practices to improve those that need work. + Create conversations, which builds connection. …awareness…practice…habit… + What are we aware of that needs to change or get better? + What practices can we put into place to help those things improve? + What habits do we need to create [as a result of those practices], and what habits do we need to break?
The TEAM Thing …trying to get weird people to function together … November 4, 2015 …session 5 Characteristics of Effective Teams RETHINK! Next time…
The TEAM Thing Webinar Series + Today’s webinar recording will be available on the homepage of the MSCA website at within hours. The PowerPoint and handout are now available. + To view past recordings of the series, visit the MSCA homepage at Accompanying PowerPoints and handouts are also posted. + Sign-up for the next webinar at + Questions about today’s presentation? Contact Steve Thomas at