Present simple It’s a verb that describes habits, facts and usual events. Example: It rains a lot in Scotland. The sky is blue. Water boils at 100 degrees. (V1) I,YOU,WE,THEY + base verb + rest of the sentence (V2) HE,SHE,IT, + base verb + s/es/ies+ rest of the sentence SENTENCE STRUCTURE: Subject + (V1),(V2) + object + place + time Subject : noun, pronoun, name Example: I do my home work in the afternoon. She cleans her room once a week. I play football in the garden once a week. You feed your dog in your house twice aweek.
SPELLING RULES : 1) If the verb ends with : ch / sh / o/ ss we add to it (es) Example: { WISH } {WISHES } 2) If the verb ends with (y)and comes before it a vowel we just add (s). Example:{SAY} {SAYS} {BUY} {BUYS} 3) If the verb ends with (y), and comes before it a consonant we delete it and add (ies) Example: {CRY} {CRIES}
1) My brother sometimes goes fishing. 2) My sister rEADS a book 3) The boys play on the beach every summer. 4) The girl brushes her hair twice a day. 5) He rides his bike every day 1) My brother sometimes goes fishing. 2) My sister rEADS a book 3) The boys play on the beach every summer. 4) The girl brushes her hair twice a day. 5) He rides his bike every day
NEGATIVE FORM Sentence structure : Subject don’t / doesn’t V1 the rest.. Don’t I, YOU, WE, THEY Doesn’t HE, SHE, IT Example: I live in Taybe. I don’t live in Haifa. He drinks coffee every morning. He doesn’t drink tea.
Yes/no questions structure: Do / Does Subject V1 the rest.. DO I, YOU, WE, THEY DOES HE, SHE, IT Example : Sari likes dogs (cats). Does Sari like cats ?