Editorial Cartoons
An Editorial Cartoon is a simple graphic presentation of opinion. Although it is often mildly mischievous or amusing, the seriousness of its subject matter helps the public form an opinion on far reaching topics. Cartoonists never pose a solution, they only point out the problem.
Editorial Cartoons Purpose: to make people think CARTOONISTS WANT THE READERS TO UNDERSTAND
Editorial Cartoons Social Studies TAKS Skillbuilder Interpreting Political (Editorial) Cartoons Texas and Texans page 645
Editorial Cartoons Elements Title Captions & Labels Symbols Caricatures/Hyperbole Stereotyping Literary/Historical Reference Point of View Main Idea
Editorial Cartoons What is the purpose of a political cartoon? Where do political cartoons usually appear? What are some methods cartoonists use to make their points?
Editorial CARTOONS Review
Creating Your Own Cartoon Select a topic which concerns school –dress code-- fights –graffiti-- gangs –drugs--cafeteria food –racism-- time between classes –homework-- etc.. Draw a cartoon –include several elements –use pencil Back of paper –subject: school –topic: –Point of View –Meaning