Aircraft Certification Unit Update
Contents – ACU Update Organisation ACU Staff Changes New CAA Certification and Surveillance Processes Recent Unit Training Activities International Agreements Design Delegation Holder’s Seminar Design Delegation Holder’s Seminar
CAA Management Structure
Design Delegation Holder’s Seminar Design Delegation Holder’s Seminar Aircraft Certification Unit Geoff Connor Manager Airworthiness Certification David Gill Team Leader Airworthiness Gary Leach Airworthiness Inspector Mary Wallis Flight Manual Administrator Design Certification Peter Gill Airworthiness Engineer Ray Harvey (Avionics) Airworthiness Engineer Beth Coughlan Airworthiness Engineer Dave Selby Airworthiness Engineer Greg Baum Airworthiness Engineer Continuing Airworthiness Owen Olls Airworthiness Specialist Julia Reed Aircraft Registrar Jo Beckwith Assistant Aircraft Registrar Vacant Positions Test Pilot Avionics Airworthiness Engineer
New Certification (Organisation) Procedures Improvements following an audit of the CAA’s certification and surveillance functions by the Office of the Auditor- General. New procedures have required internal process changes to ensure a consistent and effective application of certification criteria. Only those organizations that demonstrate they have the resources, systems and procedures to operate safely and in accordance with prescribed requirements, are allowed to enter or re-enter the NZ civil aviation system. Design Delegation Holder’s Seminar Design Delegation Holder’s Seminar
New Surveillance Processes In 2010 both CAA and Office of the Auditor General reviews identified the need to improve both the efficiency and the effectiveness of the CAA’s surveillance process. CAA currently improving the efficiency of the surveillance business system and the allocation of its surveillance resource by applying it to the areas assessed as being of higher risk. The new surveillance process will also be compatible with the risk-based approach of the proposed Safety Management Systems. Design Delegation Holder’s Seminar Design Delegation Holder’s Seminar
Quarterly Reviews The CAA establishes performance measures in the Statement of Intent (SoI) required by section 39 of the Crown Entities Act Activities completed by each CAA Operational Unit each quarter are randomly sampled and reviewed. CAA reports to the Minister of Transport on its performance against the performance measures in the SoI Design Delegation Holder’s Seminar Design Delegation Holder’s Seminar
Technical Training Lead Auditor Training FAA Functions/Part 21 Approvals Course Reliability and 1309 Safety Analysis FAA Cabin Certification Design Delegation Holder’s Seminar Design Delegation Holder’s Seminar
Director’s Award Richard Leaper was presented with the Director’s Award for an individual Recognises a long period of effort on Richard’s part, mainly trying to develop New Zealand capability in the field of design and certification of modifications to large transport aircraft. Design Delegation Holder’s Seminar Design Delegation Holder’s Seminar
International Agreements FAA and EASA Update Summary of the Current Agreement Recent Meetings/Activity Extensions Requested to Current Agreements Design Delegation Holder’s Seminar Design Delegation Holder’s Seminar
Current Agreement - FAA TCs for FAR 23 aircraft of NZ State of Design STCs for FAR 23 aircraft of NZ State of Design STCs for FAR 25 aircraft of US State of Design for cabin re-configurations, less electrical, avionic and IFE compliance determinations. Acceptance of repairs to FAR 25 aircraft of US State of Design Design Delegation Holder’s Seminar Design Delegation Holder’s Seminar
Extensions Requested to Current FAA Agreements STC’s for FAR 23 and FAR 25 aircraft of US and non- US State of Design STC’s for FAR 27 and FAR 29 rotorcraft of US and non- US State of Design - Projects suitable for the FAA to review were identified. - Progress updated this week. Design Delegation Holder’s Seminar Design Delegation Holder’s Seminar
EASA November 2007 signed a Working Arrangement Provides for EASA to accept two NZ Aircraft types. (Alpha R2000 Series and PAC 750XL) Extensions requested 2008 and projects suitable for EASA to review were identified EASA has proposed the inclusion of an Aviation Safety Arrangement as an addition to the NZ/Europe Air Services Agreement CAA is working with the MOT on this proposal Design Delegation Holder’s Seminar Design Delegation Holder’s Seminar