$100 $200 $300 $400 ReligionTypesReligiousOrganizationsFunctionsofReligion Religion in Religion in the U.S. the U.S.PotpourriSociologyLingo
SOCIOLOGY LINGO $100 Belief in a god or gods.
SOCIOLOGY LINGO $200 Anything considered worthy of awe, respect, or reverence; part of the supernatural world.
SOCIOLOGY LINGO $300 A system of roles and norms that is organized around the sacred realm and binds people together in social groups.
SOCIOLOGY LINGO $400 Set patterns of behavior through which groups of religious believers experience the sacred.
RELIGION TYPES $100 Christianity and Judaism are this type of religion because they each worship a single god.
RELIGION TYPES $200 A type of animism based on the belief that one member of a social group has the ability to communicate with spirits, heal sickness, see the future, etc.
RELIGION TYPES $300 Hinduism is an example of this type of religion.
RELIGION TYPES $400 This type of religion is not based on the worship of a god or gods, but on moral principles with the goal of reaching the highest human
RELIGION ORGANIZATIONS $100 These religious organizations are often on the “fringes” of society, tend to require total “buy in” by members, and are often led by charismatic leaders.
RELIGION ORGANIZATIONS $200 This religious organization makes up a majority of a society’s population (because people are usually members from birth) and are often aligned with the society’s political powers.
RELIGION ORGANIZATIONS $300 Though well-established within a society and its members make up a large amount of its population, this religious organization is not the largest. It also is more accepting of other religious groups and welcomes converts.
RELIGION ORGANIZATIONS $400 A small religious organization that usually has “split off” from a larger group due to differences in beliefs. They often are intolerant of other faiths and hostile toward existing power stuructures.
FUNCTIONS OF RELIGION $100 Name the THREE sociological functions of religion.
FUNCTIONS OF RELIGION $200 Weddings, funerals/memorials, christenings/baptisms, disaster relief, counseling, etc. are all examples of THIS sociological function of religion.
FUNCTIONS OF RELIGION $300 THIS sociological function of religion is characterized by conformity to society’s norms and values. For example, the Amish society shuns a member who chooses to remain in the “outside world”after their Rumspringa.
FUNCTIONS OF RELIGION $400 THIS sociological function of religionstrengthens social bonds through shared experiences such as Catholic mass, or a religious pilgrimage.
RELIGION IN THE U.S. $100 The separation of Church and State found in the 1 st Am. of the Constitution means that while we have churches, the U.S. does not have this.
RELIGION IN THE U.S. $200 Name ONE of the five characteristics of fundamentalism.
RELIGION IN THE U.S. $300 At 51%, THIS religious group makes up the majority of the U.S. population.
RELIGION IN THE U.S. $400 Sociologists have a difficult time evaluating religion in societies because it is hard to measure THIS, or the true depth of a person or society’s religious feelings and how it is shown in behavior.
POTPOURRI $100 A belief system not based on the worship of a god or gods, but on the belief that spirits (animal, plant, wind, etc.) influence human life..
POTPOURRI $200 THIS theoretical perspective would say that religion either inhibits or encourages social change.
POTPOURRI $300 This economist and philosopher called religion the “opium of the people.”
POTPOURRI $400 Religions found in the societies of the Pacific islands and Native American tribes in the Pacific Northwest are based on THIS type of religion, where sacred objects have supernatural powers and connect humans and animals.