WorshipMap™ Pro the advanced worship planner at LifeWayWorship.com
WorshipMap Pro Comprehensive worship planning tool Most advanced and robust technology No software to install Access by Internet connection
WorshipMap Pro Create and plan worship services. Manage and communicate with ministry teams. Schedule and notify members.
WorshipMap Pro Set Up Users
WorshipMap Pro Create and Manage Teams
Setting Up Users Invite Users (Users reply to .) Approve Users (Users complete registration information.) Create Teams Complete User Details: assign Teams, Roles, enter cell phone, etc.
WorshipMap Pro Create/Edit Worship Plans
User Perspective
Admin Perspective
WorshipMap Pro User Availability
User Perspective
Admin Perspective
Other features: Message Board Notifications
WorshipMap Pro Help Customer Service or FAQ at LifeWayWorship.com
WorshipMap Pro the advanced worship planner at LifeWayWorship.com