Workshop Smallholder Irrigation and Value Chains November , 2003, Aurangabad (Maharashtra), India
What does it need to make all this happen?
Four themes 1.Getting to know the clients and the basics of smallholder irrigation 2.Understanding the input supply chain 3.Analysis of output value chains and identification of marketing opportunities 4.Process facilitation and orchestration of actors
Wearing different glasses The farm Farmer, production, water use etc. Input supply chains Manufacturing, distribution, etc. Output value chains Markets, processing etc. FACILITATION Watershed development programme Income generation for poor peasants Small-scale commercial farmers
Programme overview Field work d (Tue-Sat) Processing learning from field work 1.5 d (Mon-Tue) Theme 4 – facilitation and support role 1.5 d (Tue-Wed) Transfer to own situation 1.5 d (Fri) Final conclusions etc 0.5 d (Sat) Final conclusions etc 0.5 d (Sat) Basics on themes d (Mon-Tue) Visit to Ellora caves and relaxing (1d, Sun) Visit to inno- vations and other special places (1 d Thu) Posters and presen- tations on partici- pants experiences (evenings, 7-8)
Detailed programme – day 1 Day 1 – Monday, November 17, amBreakfast amWelcome Objectives and programme of training workshop amMutual introduction of participants Logistics amTea break amBasics about Maharashtra Economy of the dry tropics Comparison of local context with participants’ context amDrip kit installation exercise amTechnical basics about drip irrigation pmLunch break pmThe art of supply chain management pmIDE’s supply chain / market creation approach pmTea break pmVideo: Bridging the gap pm Demonstration of different types of irrigation technologies pmPresentation on the areas to be visited for field work pmEnd of the day
Detailed programme – day 2 Day 2 : Tuesday, November 18, amBreakfast amReview of previous day amFrom the supply chain to the output marketing chain amIntegrating poor people into market systems - a methodology amTea break Value chain analysis - the example of horticulture in Maharashtra pmLunch break After pm Departure for field work On the way: Tips for work in the field, questions to investigate, format for analysis/synthesis and presentation, further information on the area to be visited and detailed schedule EveningArrival at place of field work