Objectives for the morning: To provide policy context and information on CCGs and CLs for living expenses To provide an update on progress to date with successor arrangements To give Councils a chance to voice their concerns and raise issues To establish a network of contacts for future work and identify next steps
Consultation Devolved funding will continue to address similar needs to existing provision Qualified support for grants not loans Local delivery favoured, with some qualifications e.g. a nationally agreed set of criteria Local Government the most widely suggested local delivery agent; Scheme should offer a mixture of goods and grants Budgeting and money management support should be offered but not compulsory Appeals process should include an independent element.
Delivery by Local Government LG has clear benefits as a provider: Provides existing support to the relevant client groups – better outcomes for users National infrastructure in place Reliable delivery in a tight timescale Concerns among leaders but agreed to take on delivery of interim successor arrangements.
Opportunities and Challenges +Provision more closely linked to the needs of users – links to holistic support and early intervention. +Improved delivery making best of local opportunities and meeting local needs. - Balancing supply and demand at a time of great change in the benefits system and poor employment opportunities - Tight timetable for delivery in a high profile area of critical importance to vulnerable people.
Legislation Interim arrangements – Section 20 of Local Govt Act 2003 – Power to Advance Wellbeing. Guidance from Ministers on criteria and elements of process. Section 30 Order to allow for delivery of social security. Longer term – primary legislation to support the permanent scheme.
Data for Scotland Good data sources: DWP website – policy context and localisation data SG website Consultation and summary of responses – DIG docs, slides from today etc. Social Fund Commissioner website
DWP Localisation Data Aberdeen City 2011/2012 (Apr-Sept) Crisis Loan Items Crisis Loan Living Expenses Crisis Loan Alignments Community Care Grants Budgeting Loans Awards & applications rounded to nearest 10 Summary Number of Applications received1803,5501, ,010 Total expenditure£11,600£136,100£104,600£273,500£527,000 Number of Awards1202,7701, ,450 Lone Parent Status Lone Parent 11%15%9%21%35% Not a Lone Parent 66%58%84%43%19% Unknown 23%26%7%36%46% Age of youngest child 0-5 8%12%6%16%24% 6-8 0%1% 2%3% %2%1% 5% % 2% No children 16 or under 89%84%91%78%66% Age of recipient Under 18 4%1%2%1%0% 18 to 24 26%22%35%16%13% 25 to 34 31%37%33%30%26% 35 to 44 26%25%19%21% 45 to 54 10%12%8%17% 55 to 64 2%3% 11%14% 65 to 69 0%1%0%1%4% 70 to 79 0% 2%4% 80 to 89 0% 1% 90 and over 0% Unknown 0% Household type Couple 9%5%3%8%10% Single Female 33%38%30%47%62% Single Male 58%57%67%45%28% Percentages may not sum to 100% due to rounding
CCGs awarded based on conditions being satisfied, 2010/11
Crisis Loans Percentage of total expenditure by application purpose, 2010/11
Crisis Loans for Living Expenses
Community Care Grants
Successor Arrangements An interim scheme – probably 2 years Grants only - no loans Cover crisis and community care National guidance and application form Funds ring fenced by mutual SG/LG agreement Link to relevant Council and CPP services Provide goods and grants
Finance Grant fund – estimate – £23-25m Set up Costs – bid made to DWP - cost estimate Running costs – bid made to DWP - % of grant fund Expect more information during June Work with Joint Settlement and Distribution Officer Group and COSLA to develop a distribution methodology
Data Sharing Pro forma to DWP setting out our asks: Historic social fund data Information on existing benefits pre-UC intoduction and for legacy clients on introduction Information on the make up of UC for those who have moved over. Data available via CIS
Outline Timeline April – Design Group discuss high level scheme May – gather information and verify practicalities, equalities impact, legislation etc. June – Stakeholder events. Work on Guidance July to Dec – Detailed planning and implementation, joint SG/LG announcement, development of form, IT, distribution of funding, training materials, on-going consultation and engagement. Jan to March 2013– gearing up for implementation, training, testing, communication. April – Go live April onwards – monitoring and evaluation, consultation and legislation for permanent arrangements.
Implementation Councils need to consider: Channels for delivery Where this will sit in the council What IT systems will be needed Links with other council and partner services Appoint a lead contact – sign up today or let us know
IT Options Interim options: Councils pursue their own arrangements – in house alterations to IT, take up off the shelf products from IT suppliers, grant fund/procure for third party e.g. Family Fund Councils group for central processing – some councils provide a service to others, joint procurement or grant funding of an organisation such as Family Fund Permanent delivery – consider bespoke national IT if interim arrangements suggest significant advantages.
What is the SG role? Suggested actions – As much detail in the guidance as possible Make contact with three main software suppliers and check what they have to offer Work with a council to develop an expected customer journey/ model links to be made with other services Plan for common national training for decision makers Develop a national script and application form for processing Set out an expected timetable for gearing up for delivery
Communication DWP has national plans for communication Role of the COSLA Development Officer Multiple complex issues and multiple audiences. What are the best way to gather and share information on implementation – newsletter, regional meetings, online forum? Which other groups/organisations do we need to be speaking to?
Next steps for LAs Appoint a lead contact Discuss where in your LA the new function will be based Consider delivery channels Think about how to link with LA and other local services.