Do you qualify? Income support (IS)or Child tax credit, provided you are entitled to Working Tax Credit and have an annual taxable income that does not exceed £16,190 Income based job seekers allowance or Employment Support Allowance or Guaranteed element of State Pension Credit Support under Part IV of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999
£1,300 spent on your pupil! Eg individual 1:1 sessions Small group sessions Trip cost reduction Support with uniform costs
Well publicised problems and poor service We would hope that in a few weeks we will see a strong service New ordering on line managed by Chartwells Universal Infant Free School Meal Offer (UIFSM). Hot meal free to all Oak, Sycamore and Beech base children! For further information
We continue to try to improve this: Whole year calendar by mid September on website Verwood pupil journal Base Governor coffee mornings Please speak to other parents and come up with top three improvements you would like to see for communication
Mrs Clark Miss Tizzard Ms Kemish Mrs Taylor Mrs Puddle Mrs Cantell Babs White- Base Governor
Monday Morning challenge Handwriting Guided Reading Literacy Playtime ( ) Numeracy Lunchtime Worship Handwriting ICT RE Tuesday CT NQT (am) Morning challenge Handwriting Guided Reading Literacy Numeracy Worship X tables PE Wednesday AC leadership/PP A Wake and Shale Guided Reading Literacy Numeracy Base Worship Home learning French Music Thursday Morning challenge Handwriting Guided Reading PE Science Worship Spelling test ICT RE Friday CT (PPA pm) Morning challenge Guided Reading Numeracy Literacy/New Spellings Worship SEAL Choosing
Aut 1- The Natural World Aut 2- Creativity and Performance Spr 1- Significant Individuals Spr 2- Communities – Romans Sum 1- Healthy lifestyles Sum 2- Human Achievement
Class assemblies Mrs Clark’s class- 4 th December Miss Tizzard’s class- 5 th December School trip to Dorset County Museum – 23 rd March
The 4 learning Rs: Reciprocal, resourceful, resilient, reflective The 2 behaviour Rs: Respectful and responsible Important to develop learners – those who want to learn and know how to learn successfully. Developing life long learners
Last year your children had a focus on: - being resilient (perseverance, noticing, managing distractions and absorption) This year we will continue to promote these, in addition to introducing new areas of the 6Rs.
This is important so that we equip our children with the dispositions needed to cope with whatever the future looks like. National Curriculum changes in 2014 New curriculum focuses on acquisition of knowledge – sets out WHAT children should know. Doesn’t specify HOW this should be taught – we can still ensure we promote what we believe underpins good learning – AfL and 6Rs, teaching of skills.
Weekly journal Spellings Mental maths Regular reading
Our philosophy is that home learning is something that should be enjoyed by both children and parents. We ask that the learning completed at home is something that the child wants to do, this may change each week and we feel that a balance of activities and styles works well. We encourage creativity, so there may not be anything recorded in their journal, it might be a video or PowerPoint. We would, however, ask that the children put some real effort into their activities.
Each half term the teachers will send out a list of ideas to help, should you get stuck and occasionally there may be something more directed for the week. We really value the learning that happens at home, especially family learning. Your child will have the opportunity to share their home learning each week with the teacher and their peers in their colour group. (Please see the timetable for details of this)
We will award a sticker or a stamp in your child’s planner each time home learning is completed. When your child has collected 15 stickers or stamps, they will receive an award. We do encourage your child to complete home learning each week, however we also acknowledge that sometimes life does get very busy and that it is not always possible.
Developing children’s mental maths skills is so important in helping them become fluent and confident mathematicians. Mental maths home learning plays an extremely important part in helping them develop this confidence and make links within maths. WE NEED YOUR HELP! It is part of our home-school home agreement that mental maths home learning is completed weekly alongside spellings and regular reading.
In Years 3 and 4 we set maths home learning on Every child has a user name and password to log on and access the activities set. Every Friday their maths teacher will set them tasks based on their maths learning through the week. These set tasks must be completed before they can then access the games, challenges and ‘live mathletics’ It is our expectation that their maths home learning is completed every week.
We reward consistent completion of home learning – if children earn 1000 points a week they gain a certificate. These are given out in base worships and celebrated. When children achieve a gold certificate they can choose a prize and it is celebrated in praise worship If your child does not have access to a computer then we will be starting a mathletics club. Further information to follow There are also related maths sheets that can be given out to your child so they don’t miss out!
There are letters about mental maths home learning expectations and ideas/websites to help your child learn their times tables Please take a sheet which also has ideas and websites to help you support your child with their times tables and mental maths home learning
It is vitally important to us that we are an inclusive school and all children feel welcomed, valued are able to reach their full potential with us. Everybody is different and learns at different rates. We all have areas of strength and areas we find challenging. We run many different interventions at school. Some in the base and some in other learning areas. If your child is placed in an intervention group this does not necessarily mean they are struggling, but may be because they need an extra boost of even opportunity to enrich their learning.
Some children have a block to learning which hinders their ability to progress as they should and need specific and additional intervention in order to succeed. We refer to this as requiring Special Educational Needs Support (SEN). If we feel your child may have a block to learning Ann Clark (Inclusion Leader) or one of the Base teachers will arrange to meet you and discuss the support we are able to offer.