Be Prepared… Take out chart and money from yesterday PERIODS 2, 4, and 8 Take out last night’s hw and pass it up TODAY WE WILL… o Simulate how the banking.


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Presentation transcript:

Be Prepared… Take out chart and money from yesterday PERIODS 2, 4, and 8 Take out last night’s hw and pass it up TODAY WE WILL… o Simulate how the banking system at the National and State Level worked o Complete Notes on The Bank War

STOP! I am stepping in and giving $5,000 to the Bank of Tennessee. And, Banks can lend whatever they want to whoever they want.

T HE B ANK W AR ( PG. 367) 7. Worried Jackson might try to destroy the bank, B_ _ _ _ _ applied for renewal of the Bank C_ _ _ _ _ _. 8. Biddle and the W_ _ _ _ wanted Jackson to V_ _ _ _ because they believed it would anger voters during the Election of _ _ _ _. 9. In 1832 C_ _ _ _ _ _ _ renewed the Bank Charter while Jackson was S_ _ _ in bed. BiddleCharter WhigsVeto 1832 Congress Sick

10. Jackson responded by vetoing the B_ _ _ B_ _ _. 11. Jackson declared the Bank U_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ and believed the Bank helped A_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ at the expense of the C_ _ _ _ _ P_ _ _ _ _. 12. The Whigs chose H_ _ _ _ _ C_ _ _ as their candidate to run against Andrew Jackson in the Election of The C_ _ _ _ _ people surprised the Whigs by electing Andrew Jackson and R_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ the Bank of the United States. Bank Bill Unconstitutional Aristocrats Common People Henry Clay Common Rejecting

14. Without a new charter, the Bank would have to C_ _ _ _ in 1836, but Jackson did not want to wait. 15. Jackson ordered Secretary of the Treasury, R_ _ _ _ T_ _ _ _ to stop putting government money in the Bank. 16. T_ _ _ _ deposited money in the S_ _ _ _ banks instead and they became known as the P_ _ B_ _ _ _. 17. In 1836, The Bank of the United States C_ _ _ _ _ contributing to an E_ _ _ _ _ _ _ C_ _ _ _ _. Close Roger Taney TaneyState Pet Banks Closed Economic Crisis

Wrap Up Questions