Prof. Fernando Peña López University of A Coruña (Spain) 4-7 November 2014 – Tbilisi, Georgia RETHINKe PROJECT QA GUIDELINES
Tool / means / instrument 1. To check if the current QA system of the partner HEIs complies with the EU standards 2. To help partner HEIs reform their internal QA system in order to put it in compliance with those standards.
The guidelines deal directly only with the problem of internal QAS: A system of internal formal procedures established in a HEI aiming at assuring a high level of quality in its programmes and awards. Even more, a “EU-style” internal QAS is only mandatory in the new RETHINKe double/joint degrees.
Why? 1. It could be not possible to introduce a QAS internal system in the whole of a HEI in two years. 2. We believe in the power of good practices: Once perceived the advantages of having degrees according to EU standards, more programmes will follow the example… 3. External control will be taken by the RETHINKe quality assurance management.
“3. The guidelines included in this document are related to the internal side of QA. They are also intended to be used to ensure directly the quality of those double degree programmes that will be the main deliveries of the RETHINKe project. Nevertheless, some of these guidelines could require changes within the partner HEI’s general regulations, and all of them are expected to have influence in spreading good practices in QA according to the EU and EHEA standards”.
Assumption: All the HEIs have a QAS (formal or informal) because quality improvement concerns are inherent to any service provider (public or private). What do we have to know? The level of compliance of the existing QAS with the EU standards. Which are the EU standards? Those principles and standards defined at the ENQA documents, especially the ENQA standard and guidelines of Annex I
“ARTICLE 1. GENERAL PRINCIPLES 1. These guidelines have been set up as specific developments and precisions on the ENQA (European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education) Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area. Therefore, all the guidelines must be interpreted according to those broader standards and guidelines of the ENQA document”.
How can we check our current QAS? Sections 4 and 6 of the guidelines define the basic requirements that any internal QAS must have to comply with the EU standards Every partner HEI must ask itself whether it has a QAS that complies with these guidelines or not..
With the aim of helping partner HEIs to checking the level of compliance of their internal QAS we have included several questionnaires in Annex 2 Those questionnaires are, again, a tool: 1.To understand the practical consequences of the general assumptions of guideline 4. 2.To rethink carefully about the strengths and weaknesses of current internal QAS within the HEIs. 3.To determine the measures to be taken to put the QAS in accordance with the rethink standards.
1. Appoint a Commission formed by staff with influence at the HEI 2. Check the current QAS using the surveys. 3. Write a proposal with the changes needed to put the internal QAS in compliance with the EU QAS standards 4. Send the answers to the Quality Council of the RETHINKe project
Article III defines minimum requirements that have to fulfill all the RETHINKe degrees: 1.Official degrees 2.Linked to the RETHINKe goals and objectives 3.Managed jointly by two or more partner HEIs 4.Controlled by a QAS according to EU standards
Article III defines minimum requirements that have to fulfill all the RETHINKe degrees: 1.Official degrees 2.Linked to the RETHINKe goals and objectives 3.Managed jointly by two or more partner HEIs 4.Controlled by a QAS according to EU standards
The rest is up to your imagination…. But you can follow this path: 1. Think about which are you basic requirements: Master thesis 18 ECTS, 30 ECTS in UDC 2. Look for: Matches and similarities.. Thinking in terms of topics and contents, but also in terms of skills and competences: - What a postgraduate student should be able to do by the end of my single programme? - Will she/he be able to do those tasks / works after the double programme? Avoid bureaucratic complications: Consider the double programme a way of giving your students an opportunity to study topics that are not included in your programme
Agreement to set up a double degree Just a template…a model that can be adapted to different circumstances. Should you need some help with drafting your own D-D agreement, we will be more than happy to help you. EU agreement EU-Non EU countries ◦ Official model that cannot be changed. ◦ Basic requirement to take part in the call for applications to EU mobility funds. ◦.
1.Appoint a person / commission with power to negotiate externally and to change things internally. Important internal change in the management procedures: Think about how to register students that could be not there at the beginning of the programme and how to give them an official award. 2.Show the agreement template to your authorities immediately. If the basic general clauses are valid…..then a lot of work is already done