Introduction & Installation
What is GeoGebra? GeoGebra is a Dynamic Mathematics Software (DMS) for teaching and learning mathematics from middle school through college level. It is as easy to use as Dynamic Geometry Software (DGS) but also provides basic features of Computer Algebra Systems (CAS) to bridge some gaps between geometry, algebra and calculus. GeoGebra is open source software under the GNU General Public License and freely available at
What is GeoGebra? GeoGebra was created to help students gain a better understanding of mathematics. GeoGebra is used for active (problem- oriented) teaching. GeoGebra fosters mathematical experiments and discoveries.
What is GeoGebra? The basic idea of GeoGebra is to provide two representations of each mathematical object in its algebra and graphics windows. If you change an object in one of these windows, its representation in the other one will be immediately updated.
GeoGebra Documents GeoGebra Quickstart - A quick reference guide for GeoGebra GeoGebra Help – The Official Manual 3.2 Introduction & Installation: Drawings vs. Geometric Constructions - GeoGebra Workshop Handout 1
GeoGebra Inventor GeoGebra was invented by Markus Hohenwarter while a student at the University of Salzburg in 2001.
Getting Started Create a desktop folder called: GeoGebra Introduction Go to –Click on GeoGebra WebStart (will auto load)
Basic Use of GeoGebra Worksheet Page 4-Tools Navigate tool bar
Basic Use of GeoGebra MOVE
Basic Use of GeoGebra NEW POINT
Basic Use of GeoGebra Line through Two Points
Basic Use of GeoGebra Perpendicular Line
Basic Use of GeoGebra Circle with Center through Point
Basic Use of GeoGebra Ellipse
Basic Use of GeoGebra Angle
Basic Use of GeoGebra Reflect Object about Line
Basic Use of GeoGebra Slider
Basic Use of GeoGebra Move Drawing Pad
Basic Use of GeoGebra Saving and Opening GeoGebra Files
Basic Use of GeoGebra Saving and Opening GeoGebra Files
Basic Use of GeoGebra Saving and Opening GeoGebra Files
Basic Use of GeoGebra Creating Drawings Hide the algebra window and coordinate axes (View menu). Show the coordinate grid (View menu).
Basic Use of GeoGebra GRID View
Drawing Practice How to select an already existing object. –Hint: When the pointer hovers above an object it highlights and the pointer changes its shape from a cross to an arrow. Clicking selects the corresponding object. How to create a point that lies on and object. –Hint: The point is displayed in a light blue color. Always check if the point really lies on the object by dragging it with the mouse (Move tool). How to correct mistakes step-by-step using the Undo and Redo buttons.
Rectangle Construction Open new GeoGebra file. Hide algebra window, input field and coordinate axes (View menu). Change the labeling setting to New points only (menu Options –Labeling). Here is what you will be making