Our assessment objectives We strive to ensure that our students make progress and that we develop every student to become life long learners. To do this we must know how well we as a school are doing and how well are students are doing? We have set ourselves progress targets for each Learning Phase. We have published our curriculum and assessment timetables so students know what they are learning and when and how they will be assessed. We have a new reporting system which will use the double first engage system.
Our learning culture We are reinforcing a learning culture in the school We aim to Keep students and parents informed Published our assessments in advance so our learners know what to expect Work together as one school to develop a common assessment pathway Ensure our progress decisions are open and transparent. Ensure our grades are based on assessment data collected by teachers throughout the year.
Why we assess Our purpose is: to discover how well our students have progressed academically and for our teachers to understand what they need to do to enable every student to make academic progress and achieve their potential. How do we do this? We use a combination of Summative ( end of unit /year tests) and formative (on going check points during and at the end of learning units) Each subject area will decide the most effective method of gathering data on student performance Each subject area will determine the best approach to supporting learners who experience difficulty We have a SENCo and Special needs teacher to help us support those students who need longer term help
Using Summative assessment In order to achieve an overall picture of student performance teachers will draw on: The results of the 3 grade reports, End of year examinations and the achievement of Qualifications. Year 11 students have the opportunity to take IGCSE examinations and 6th form take AS & A level Students have the opportunity to study for Spanish qualifications which are based on teacher assessment + 4 GCSE passes We also prepare students for entrance exams into Spanish universities
How do we assess: We are likely to use a range of assessment opportunities: Portfolios of work with the final product taking a variety of forms Essays or written pieces Practice exercises and drills Classroom observation Spoken presentations Listening exercises Peer evaluation Teacher discussions Evidence based assessments particularly with target setting (photographs Witness statements, evaluations) Tests and examinations
Formative assessment Formative Assessment This is ongoing continuous assessment Each subject area has produced timetables for assessment. “Curriculum and assessment summary booklets” These describe how our students are assessed at the end of each learning unit. This can be used to support end of year grades for effort and progress. Assessment can take many forms: tests, orals, essays, projects, photographs, The results are used to inform the Grade reports Everyone! teachers, parents and students can use the booklet to monitor and support progress
Cambridge Progression tests and check point Cambridge Check point tests The school will introduce Cambridge check point at the end of the academic year 2014 for year 6 and 9 In English Maths and Science. Cambridge Checkpoint, diagnostic tests are set and marked by Cambridge. The Cambridge Primary and secondary 1 testing structure enables teachers to down load tests in English Maths and science called Progression tests to : track the progress of their learners identify strengths and weaknesses within individuals and class groups develop further teaching and learning support using information from test results use test results to report to parents provide learners with a Statement of Achievement at the end of the Year Student performance is categorised into Bronze Silver and Gold
English and Spanish English Students who are working at Native speaker level for English will take the First language IGCSE Students who are working at a strong level of English but where English is not their first language will have the option to take both First language and English as an additional language IGCSE Students who are still building English language skills will be entered for the Cambridge first certificate Spanish Students who are working at Native speaker level for Spanish will take the Spanish as a first language IGCSE from 2015. Students who communicate in Spanish as an additional language will be able to take IGCSE Spanish or AS/ A level Spanish Students will be assessed and graded by the Spanish department each year and will also be awarded the 4ESO when they reach year 11. The award of student grades will be based on the same criteria identified on our score sheet criteria. Other languages All students can be entered for an additional modern foreign language IGCSE. There are other international first language qualifications which students can enter on request.
New reporting cycle Reports to parents The reporting cycle From autumn term 2013 all reports will be completed electronically and made available on the double first system. Paper reports will only be produced in exceptional circumstances. End of term summary report These are completed by all subject teachers and monitored by the head of year. Grades are awarded based on the student performance over the term using the above criteria. They will always relate closely to the unit objectives and outcomes. These will be found in the student area on the double first system. End of year report All students will receive and annual report at the end of June. This will be a summation of all the data collected over the previous academic year Students taking External examinations will receive their report in May Tutor contact During term 1 and 2 each tutor will contact parents by email with a summary of their students progress. There will also be an opportunity to email or meet the tutor or head of year to discuss any concerns. Parental meeting Each year group will have one meeting each academic year for parents to discuss pupil progress These meetings will be published on the calendar Parents will also be able to discuss their child’s progress with the Phase leader or tutor on the double first system
Reported unit assessments These will be completed by the teacher and shared with the student. These are completed at an end of each unit or learning theme. A unit of work will be of varied duration. Assessment timelines will be published in the Curriculum and assessment booklet. As Double First Engage comes on line these may be posted by the teacher on the student area. Parents will then be able to view the assessment. It is planned to introduce Reported unit assessments gradually so they become part of the classroom routine.
Targets Target setting All classes in all subjects take part in target setting. This enables students to understand what they are working towards. Student targets relate to the school curriculum and aim to build knowledge, skills and understanding within the subject area or to develop learning or social skills. Teachers will use information taken from assessments and class work. Student targets are set by the teacher together with the student. Targets are always personalised to the individual student.