Food Safety HFA4M & HFN20
Food Safety Practices that help prevent foodborne illness. What are some things you do to fight foodborne illness ?
Foodborne illness Occurs when a person eats food that has been contaminated with a harmful micro-organism Food Poisoning
Block that Sneeze! A cough or sneeze carries 8 feet if it is not covered with a hand or kleenex tissue. Block it! Then wash your hands.
Symptoms Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, fever
Contaminated Food Can become contaminated at any step along the way to your plate.
Cross- contamination Bacteria being passed from one food source to another. Meat to Veggies! The “5 second rule” has no basis in science.
Pathogens Disease causing agents such as bacteria, parasites, viruses, and toxins.
Clostridium Botulinum (Botulism) Improperly canned food Rare but very serious Symptoms: Vomiting and Death
E. coli Contaminated water, ground beef, milk or fruits and vegetables. Cows eating corn, should be eating grass Symptoms: Diarrhea and Kidney damage.
Listeria Contaminated water, ready to eat foods such as lunch meats. Headache, nausea, vomiting.
Salmonella Undercooked foods such as chicken and eggs. From intestines of chicken Diarrhea and Vomiting.
Staphylococcus On human skin passed by not washing hands, coughing, sneezing and then improperly handling food. Diarrhea and vomiting.
Clostridium Perfringens Food sitting out for a long time Diarrhea and vomiting.
4 Steps to Fight Foodborne Illness 1. Clean – Wash hands and surfaces often. 2. Separate – Don’t cross contaminate 3. Chill – Refrigerate promptly 4. Cook – Cook to proper temperature.
Tip – Wash your hands! 1. Before and after handling meat and seafood. 2. After going to the washroom, blowing your nose, coughing, and sneezing. 3. After petting your pet hippo. 4. Use soap and warm water for 20 seconds.
Food Safety Tips 1. When in doubt, throw it out. 2. Wash tongs after using them to handle raw food. (BBQ) 3. Wash can openers. 4. Wash cutting boards thoroughly with soap and hot water. Plastic vs. Wood Dishwasher?
Food Safety Tips Keep raw foods separate rom cooked foods When shopping, put raw meat and seafood in separate plastic bags. Keep raw foods on the bottom shelf of your fridge Don’t double dip!
Vegetable - Tips Rinse fruits and vegetables under clean running water Scrub melons (Cantaloupe) Cut away bruised or damaged areas
Chilling Foods Keeping food cold slows the growth of bacteria Perishables – Foods that will spoil (refrigerate) Buy them last at the grocery store. Do not defrost at room temperature Defrost in a covered container in the fridge. Refrigerate within 1 hour or less.
Cooking Foods Food must be cooked to the proper temperature to kill the bacteria that causes illness Keep it out of the Danger Zone
Danger Zone
Cooking Tips Use a meat thermometer Do not eat pink rare hamburgers.
Why do foods spoil? Enzymes – chemicals within foods that help them change Micro-organisms – bacteria, yeast, mold, Oxidation – exposure of food to oxygen
Food Storage Tips 1. Pay attention to best before dates. 2. Do not buy more food than you need. 3. Refrigerate after opening.