7 th Grade Family & Consumer Science
Food & Nutrition Terms 100 Keep It Clean Weighing Your Choices Food GroupsNutrients
Being at the highest level of health. 100
The materials found in foods that are needed to build and repair body tissues and provide energy. 200
All the foods a person eats. 300
Any type of action that a company takes to get you to buy their food. 400
Food Marketing.
The study of how foods change chemically through natural processes or when they are prepared or stored. 500
Food Science. 100
A measure of the energy value of food. A
Nutrients that provide energy. 200
Nutrients used to supply calories to the body. 300
A type of nutrient needed for growth and repair to the body. 400
Organic substances needed by the body for function, growth, and repair. 500
Popcorn belongs in this food group. 100
Grain Group.
Spinach belongs in this food group. 200
Vegetable Group.
Apricots belong in this food group. 300
Fruit Group.
Ice cream belongs in this food group. 400
Milk and Dairy Group.
Eggs belong in this food group. 500
Meat & Beans Group.
The weight that is right for your age and height. 100
Healthy Weight.
A weight that is much lower than a healthy weight. 200
Having an excessive amount of body fat. 300
Keeping your body at a healthy weight. 400
Weight Control.
A quick weight loss diet that doesn’t usually work and can harm your health. 500
Fad Diet.
Another name for toxin. 100
The temperatures at which bacteria grow the fastest. 200
Danger Zone.
An organism or substance that invades the body and damages its cells. 300
Disease caused by a pathogen in food. 400
Foodborne Illness.
The study and use of methods that create a clean, healthy environment. 500