center for the arts university towson university Benjamin Mitten Spring 2005 Benjamin Mitten Lighting/Electrical Spring 2005 center for the arts towson university Architectural Engineering
center for the arts university towson university Benjamin Mitten Spring 2005 Presentation Outline Introduction To The Building Lighting Depth - Paint Studio - Lobby Controls Depth Mechanical Breadth
center for the arts university towson university Benjamin Mitten Spring 2005 Presentation Outline Introduction To The Building Lighting Depth - Paint Studio - Lobby Controls Depth Mechanical Breadth
center for the arts university towson university Benjamin Mitten Spring 2005 Introduction To The Building Location Center for the Arts Towson University 7815 Osler Drive Towson, MD Paint Studio Lobby Controls Mechanical Conclusion
center for the arts university towson university Benjamin Mitten Spring 2005 General Information - Renovation of Existing Building - 122,000 sf addition onto the existing 166,000 sf building. - Total project budget of $42 million - Major Project Team - Owner: Towson University -Architects: Design Collective, Inc. Wilson Butler Lodge Wilson Butler Lodge - Construction Manager: Gilbane - MEP: Mueller Associates, Inc. - Structural: Delon Hampton & Assoc. - Occupants of the Building - Dance Program - Art Program - Music Program - Theatre Program Intro Paint Studio Lobby Controls Mechanical Conclusion
center for the arts university towson university Benjamin Mitten Spring 2005 Building Layout Intro Paint Studio Lobby Controls Mechanical Conclusion
center for the arts university towson university Benjamin Mitten Spring 2005 Presentation Outline Introduction To The Building Lighting Depth - Paint Studio - Lobby Controls Depth Mechanical Breadth
center for the arts university towson university Benjamin Mitten Spring 2005 Paint Studio Intro Paint Studio Lobby Controls Mechanical Conclusion Paint Studio Location: 4 th Floor of the North-East Section of the building. Space Characteristics: - Approximately 2100 sf. - North wall consists of a glazed curtain wall - Exposed ceiling at a height of 14’-6” - Floor Easels in the space
center for the arts university towson university Benjamin Mitten Spring 2005 Paint Studio Tasks - Painting- Objects, Figures, Human Figures, etc. - Pin- ups/ Presentations - Film Presentations Design Criteria - Provide light for correct color appearance and contrast - Lighting for facial modeling and objects - Distribution of light on easels - Illuminance of 50 fc horizontally and 30 fc vertically - Achieve a clear appearance - Power Density of 1.2 Watts/SF Intro Paint Studio Lobby Controls Mechanical Conclusion
center for the arts university towson university Benjamin Mitten Spring 2005 Paint Studio Solution 54 Watt Indirect Fluorescent Pendent Fixture with electrical track on underside 90 Watt Spot light on track Intro Paint Studio Lobby Controls Mechanical Conclusion
center for the arts university towson university Benjamin Mitten Spring 2005 Paint Studio The power density is above the recommended ASHRAE/IES Standard 90.1 value of 1.2 Watts/ Square Foot. Redesigning would be necessary to reduce this in the space. Intro Paint Studio Lobby Controls Mechanical Conclusion Power Density Calculation Luminaire Type# of LuminairesInput Watts/FixtureTotal Watts A B Square Feet of Room2100 Power Density (W/sf)1.49
center for the arts university towson university Benjamin Mitten Spring 2005 Intro Paint Studio Lobby Controls Mechanical Conclusion Paint Studio Renderings
center for the arts university towson university Benjamin Mitten Spring 2005 Presentation Outline Introduction To The Building Lighting Depth - Paint Studio - Lobby Controls Depth Mechanical Breadth Conclusion
center for the arts university towson university Benjamin Mitten Spring 2005 Intro Paint Studio Lobby Controls Mechanical Conclusion LobbyLobby Location: 3 rd Floor, center of the building Space Characteristics: - Approximately 4800 sf. - Cantilevered awnings over the entrances of four major spaces; Concert Hall, Main Stage of four major spaces; Concert Hall, Main Stage Theatre, Recital Hall, Studio Theatre - Finished Stone Floor Theatre, Recital Hall, Studio Theatre - Finished Stone Floor
center for the arts university towson university Benjamin Mitten Spring 2005 LobbyTasks - Circulation space – provides access to the Concert Hall, Recital Hall, Main Stage Theatre, and the Studio Theatre. It also services the corridors to areas such as the Fine Arts Box Office and Painting Galleries - Circulation space – provides access to the Concert Hall, Recital Hall, Main Stage Theatre, and the Studio Theatre. It also services the corridors to areas such as the Fine Arts Box Office and Painting Galleries - Social Gathering - Social Gathering - Reading - Reading Design Criteria - Most important space in the building - Most important space in the building - Provide a visibly pleasing atmosphere - Provide a visibly pleasing atmosphere - Achieve a relaxed, spacious, and public appearance - Achieve a relaxed, spacious, and public appearance - Draw people towards areas of interest - Draw people towards areas of interest - Power Density of 1.6 Watts/ SF - Power Density of 1.6 Watts/ SF Intro Paint Studio Lobby Controls Mechanical Conclusion
center for the arts university towson university Benjamin Mitten Spring 2005 LobbySolution 32 Watt Fluorescent Strip light for cove lighting 42 Watt Compact Fluorescent Downlight 18 Watt Compact Fluorescent Downlight Neon Light Tubes for accent Provide different “scenes” for different events Intro Paint Studio Lobby Controls Mechanical Conclusion
center for the arts university towson university Benjamin Mitten Spring 2005 Lobby The power density is below the recommended ASHRAE/IES Standard 90.1 value of 1.6 Watts/ Square Foot. Power Density Calculation Luminaire Type# of LuminairesWatts/FixtureTotal Watts A B C D Square Feet of Room4800 Power Density (W/sf)1.31 Intro Paint Studio Lobby Controls Mechanical Conclusion
center for the arts university towson university Benjamin Mitten Spring 2005 LobbyRenderings Intro Paint Studio Lobby Controls Mechanical Conclusion Concert Hall Scene Main Stage Theatre Scene Recital Hall Scene Studio Theatre Scene
center for the arts university towson university Benjamin Mitten Spring 2005 Intro Paint Studio Lobby Controls Mechanical Conclusion Lobby Other scenes provided - Egress scene IES Illumination Recommendations Lobby – 10 footcandles Illuminance values for scenes Egress scene- 9.9 fc OK All other scenes- all were around 28 fc OK
center for the arts university towson university Benjamin Mitten Spring 2005 Presentation Outline Introduction To The Building Lighting Depth - Paint Studio - Lobby Controls Depth Mechanical Breadth Conclusion
center for the arts university towson university Benjamin Mitten Spring 2005 Controls Most of the energy consumption in a commercial building comes from lighting. Intro Paint Studio Lobby Controls Mechanical Conclusion
center for the arts university towson university Benjamin Mitten Spring 2005 Controls Analyze an advanced digital control system on the 3 rd floor of the building Analyze an advanced digital control system on the 3 rd floor of the building Assumptions made in-order to perform the analysis Assumptions made in-order to perform the analysis - System will examine the Linear Fluorescent Fixtures only - System will examine the Linear Fluorescent Fixtures only - The system will cause a 10% reduction in lighting energy (expected to be more than assumed value) - Compact Fluorescent fixtures will be connected to the system at a later time ( CF ballasts are not compatible at this time) Intro Paint Studio Lobby Controls Mechanical Conclusion
center for the arts university towson university Benjamin Mitten Spring 2005 Controls Type of controls used in spaces - Photocells (Daylight Control) - Automated Occupant Control - Occupancy Sensors (Manual Dimming and Shut-off) - Single Standard Switch (with indicating light) Intro Paint Studio Lobby Controls Mechanical Conclusion
center for the arts university towson university Benjamin Mitten Spring 2005 Controls Use of the system - Up to 64 Ballasts on a power supply - Each ballast is digitally programmed to respond/”speak” to certain control sensors. Photocells, etc. - Reprogramming an entire floor is easy and does not need to be rewired. (Extremely practical for open office use where reconfiguration of the space may occur) - Each ballast in the power supply loop can respond to any sensor in the loop - Easily reprogrammable - Sensors simply plug into ballasts Intro Paint Studio Lobby Controls Mechanical Conclusion Connection from direct components
center for the arts university towson university Benjamin Mitten Spring 2005 Controls Control Loop Circuits - 27 control loops - exclusion of Lobby, Concert Hall, Recital Hall, Main Stage Theatre, and Main Studio Theatre. Intro Paint Studio Lobby Controls Mechanical Conclusion
center for the arts university towson university Benjamin Mitten Spring 2005 Controls The initial cost savings of the advanced system is approximately $29,000 Intro Paint Studio Lobby Controls Mechanical Conclusion 1 Lamp Ballasts2 Lamp Ballast3 Lamp BallastsOccupancy Sensors IR & Personal Control Budget Cost Total Cost QuantityCostQuantityCostQuantityCostQuantityCostQuantityCost Regular System200$99839$99657$13942$12091$53.30-$204,074 Advance System $175,200
center for the arts university towson university Benjamin Mitten Spring 2005 Intro Paint Studio Lobby Controls Mechanical Conclusion Cost analysis for 10% energy reduction. Analysis is for the MOST EXTREME CASE with the lights on, 18 hours a day, 7 days a week, 52 weeks a year. Cost savings per year is approximately $5, Cost savings will increase if the system is implemented throughout the entire building - Cost difference decreases as hours, days and weeks are reduced. Total KW UsedCost Per HourHours/DayDays/WeekWeeks/YearCost Per Year Full Watt Output of the System124$ $56,736 10% Reduction in Energy Consumption111$ $51,062
center for the arts university towson university Benjamin Mitten Spring 2005 Controls Major Advantages - easy ballast replacement and no reprogramming - easy ballast replacement and no reprogramming - easy installation and connection of sensors - easy installation and connection of sensors - sensors are easily added as needed - sensors are easily added as needed - extreme savings in the initial cost as well as annual savings - extreme savings in the initial cost as well as annual savings - gives control of individual spaces to users if desired which improves comfort and in-turn increases productiveness - gives control of individual spaces to users if desired which improves comfort and in-turn increases productiveness Intro Paint Studio Lobby Controls Mechanical Conclusion
center for the arts university towson university Benjamin Mitten Spring 2005 Presentation Outline Introduction To The Building Lighting Depth - Paint Studio - Lobby Controls Depth Mechanical Breadth Conclusion
center for the arts university towson university Benjamin Mitten Spring 2005 Mechanical Addition of a Heat Recovery Unit on a 100% OA existing air handling unit. The Enthalpy Wheel Efficiency for this analysis is assumed to be 80 % The indoor and outdoor air conditions for Baltimore Maryland are shown in the tables below. Outdoor Air Conditions for Baltimore MD. Temp (Dry Bulb)Temp (Wet Bulb)EnthalpyDensity ºF btu/lblb/ft^ Intro Paint Studio Lobby Controls Mechanical Conclusion Indoor Air Conditions TempEnthalpyHumidity RatioDensity ºFbtu/lbgr/lblb/ft^
center for the arts university towson university Benjamin Mitten Spring 2005 Mechanical The exhaust air for heat recovery is not constant air volume so a maximum and minimum amount of recoverable heat is determined off of cross flow ratios. The Maximum cross flow was determined to be 48,000 cfm. The minimum cross flow was determined to be 15,500 cfm. Intro Paint Studio Lobby Controls Mechanical Conclusion
center for the arts university towson university Benjamin Mitten Spring 2005 Mechanical Intro Paint Studio Lobby Controls Mechanical Conclusion
center for the arts university towson university Benjamin Mitten Spring 2005 Mechanical The design for the new AHU will be designed for 15,500 cfm. The table below shows the Coil Load reduction and the reduction of energy. The reduction of the coil is approximately 16%. Coil Analysis Supply Air Enthalpy Coil Load (max) Coil Load (Min) Coil Load (no recovery) btu/lbTons Intro Paint Studio Lobby Controls Mechanical Conclusion
center for the arts university towson university Benjamin Mitten Spring 2005 Presentation Outline Introduction To The Building Lighting Depth - Paint Studio - Lobby Controls Depth Mechanical Breadth Conclusion
center for the arts university towson university Benjamin Mitten Spring 2005 Recommendations - The lighting design in the Paint Studio should be redesigned to meet the Power Density requirements - The lighting design in the lobby parallels the design criteria - The advanced control system should be implemented through out the whole building - An energy wheel should be added to the existing AHU to reduce coil size and save energy Intro Paint Studio Lobby Controls Mechanical Conclusion
center for the arts university towson university Benjamin Mitten Spring 2005 Acknowledgments AE Department and Faculty TA Engineering Alan Zemla Jim Moore Mueller Associates, Inc. Todd Garing and Ken Rock Towson University Dennis Bohlayer Lutron Electronic Company, Inc. Family and Friends Intro Paint Studio Lobby Controls Mechanical Conclusion