Shore 2 Shore: APLU to WSU Initiatives Sue Day-Perroots, West Virginia University
INITIATIVE SAMPLING Goal: Share several initiatives that open greater dialog and awareness for expanded opportunity and participation.
APLU Gates Funding: creation of an independent, self-governing, non-profit higher ed consortium for institutional cooperation and collaboration. Economies of scale Creation of course content – Biology, English Composition, Pre-Calculus, and Economics- designed in Carnegie Mellon’s OLI format Multi- institutional collaboration: licensing, sharing and/or acquisition of electronic course materials Initial interest in Personalized Learning and analytics $25,000 initial investment to APLU institutions
US Agency for International Development Advancing MOOCs for Development Initiative Partners and co-invest: Improve MOOC offerings w/ emphasis on professional skill sets Increase workforce development MOOC content Increase enrollment in targeted countries Uses CourseTalk (for-profit MOOC aggregator Universities: Define 1-3 developing or emerging USAID countries Define workforce development content series w/ employment Monitor student success/ progression data Increase MOOC enrollment & completion rates
STEM ACADEMY Leadership and Coordination from Dave Cillay of Washington State University 19 Land-grant Universities Develop modules around key topics: Energy, Women in Science, Forensic Science, Climate Change, Grand Challenges 3-4 Universities each develop a 2 week module for the topic for a total of six – eight weeks of student activity Target audience: advanced high school, general public, Exploring an open edx environment which should be underwritten by Menlov Capital
WVU Next Gen K-12 Common Core Math Partnership WVDE and WVU Secondary Math Teachers and Higher Ed Faculty Content Developers with Smarter Balance assessments incorporated WVU iDesign Team Platform agnostic, Universal Design, mobile friendly
Other Initiatives/Innovators National Center for Academic Transformation – Carol Twigg ELI – Educause Learning Initiative International Council for Open and Distance Education