FQHC Look-Alike Registration for Implementation of Electronic Information Systems June 16, 2010 Twyla Adams, MHS, Branch Chief Anil Bommakanti, Consultant Department of Health and Human Services Health Resources and Services Administration Bureau of Primary Health Care
Slide 2 Objectives of this Session To review the progress towards FQHC Look- Alike Program integration into electronic information systems and upcoming activities. To provide FQHC Look-Alikes with detailed information about registration in EHB. To present technical assistance resources.
Slide 4 Description FQHC Look-Alike application submissions will be submitted electronically through EHB. HRSA will process FQHC Look-Alike application submissions electronically in EHB. HRSA will communicate electronically with FQHC Look-Alikes and applicants through EHB.
Slide 5 Benefits To HRSA: One centralized system for processing application submissions and monitoring FQHC Look-Alikes. Ready access to reliable information for effective decision-making and continuous performance improvement. More efficient communication between HRSA and FQHC Look-Alikes and applicants. FQHC Look-Alikes and applicants can view the status of application reviews at each step in the process. HRSA and FQHC Look-Alikes and applicants share the same information.
Slide 6 Benefits To FQHC Look-Alikes and applicants: More streamlined application processes. Some application information will be pre-populated. More on-line guidance in completing application forms. More efficient communication between HRSA and FQHC Look-Alikes and applicants. FQHC Look-Alikes and applicants can view the status of application reviews at each step in the process. HRSA and FQHC Look-Alikes and applicants share the same information.
Slide 7 Key Activities EHB Registration Baseline Scope Verification (BSV) Module Change in Scope (CIS) Module FQHC Look-Alike Applications Module (FLAAM)
Slide 8 Progress To Date HRSA successfully collected basic information about all FQHC Look-Alike organizations and their Authorizing Officials.
Slide 9 Next Steps The next step towards the integration of the FQHC Look-Alike Program into HRSA’s electronic information system will be Registration in the Electronic Handbooks (EHB).
Slide 10 EHB Registration Purpose To register all FQHC Look-Alikes into HRSA’s electronic system so that they can continue to do business with HRSA. Process In June 2010, HRSA will verify basic information about each FQHC Look-Alike and its authorizing official.
Slide 12 Training Objectives You will learn how to register yourself within the EHBs, assign a role to yourself, and associate yourself to an organization.
Slide 13 Training Content EHB Registration Unit 1: EHB Registration Unit 2: Choosing a Role Unit 3: Associating Your User Account with an Organization
Slide 15 Unit Overview EHB Registration HRSA’s EHBs are designed to support FQHC Look-Alike organizations to submit Initial, Recertification and Renewal applications electronically (future capability) The purpose of the registration process is to collect consistent information from all users, avoid collection of redundant information and uniquely identify each system user Registration provides assurance that only authorized individuals from an organization can update institutional data, submit applications and manage other program related data on behalf of the institution The Registration process is broken down into two steps Registering the user Associating the user to an organization
Slide 16 Navigate to:
Slide 17 Complete the Create User Account Form
Slide 18 Review the information entered, and then click Register
Slide 20 Unit Overview HRSA EHBs offer three functional roles for Look Alikes currently not registered with EHBs Authorizing Official (AO) Is authorized to act for the applicant and to assume the obligations imposed by the Federal laws, regulations, requirements, and conditions that apply to the program Business Official (BO) Is authorized to review and submit the financial status report (mostly used for Grant programs) Other Employee (for project directors, assistant staff, AO designees and others) All other individuals of an organization who wish to participate in the electronic application process should register using this role. If you are a project director, data submitter, AO or BO designee, or an application preparer, you should use this role for registration You must choose a role. Choose the one that best reflects your participation in the program management and application process Users only need to register with EHBs one time, if you already have an account, you can continue to use the existing profile
Slide 21 Choose your Role
Slide 22 This box is meant for grant users responsible for approving or submitting Financial Grant Reports only
Slide 23 Choose the reason why you are registering with the organization. This allows the EHBs to help you find your organization.
Slide 25 Unit Overview Adding an Organization You cannot register an organization You must associate your user account with a registered organization All organizations that have received a grant with HRSA since June 2003 are registered in the EHBs (check to see if your organization has dealt with HRSA grant programs in the past) Many organizations that have submitted a HRSA grant application, or intend to submit a HRSA grant application, are already registered in the EHBs. You can search for the organizations using different search parameters If you cannot find your organization, call the HRSA Call Center for guidance (877-GO4-HRSA; )
Slide 26 Use the grant number from a HRSA grant awarded to your organization or use the PIN from PMS and EIN to search for your organization.
Slide 27 Otherwise, use the Employer Identification Number (EIN) and/or organization name
Slide 28 Organizations matching your search criteria will be listed. It is important to choose the right organization.
Slide 29 Confirm your Choice
Slide 30 Once logged in, you will be brought to the Welcome Page of the EHBs. The organization you have selected will appear on the top banner
Slide 31 To associate your account with additional organizations, click on the “Associate My Account with Another Organization” hyperlink and follow the same steps as associating your first organization.
Slide 32 Once multiple associations are made, an organization can be set as a default, or accessed by selecting the “My Registered Organizations” section from the navigation panel Default Organization
Slide 33 Timeframes FQHC Look-Alikes can begin EHB registration on June 16, All FQHC Look-Alikes must complete EHB registration by July 1, 2010.
Slide 35 Resources For technical questions about EHB,: Call HRSA’s Call Center at , or Send an to Replay of this technical assistance conference call will be available until December 16, To access the replay, please call and provide pass code
Slide 36 Contact Information Twyla Adams Chief Health Center Systems Branch Office of Policy and Program Development
Slide 37 Contact Information Esther Paul Public Health Analyst Health Center Systems Branch Office of Policy and Program Development
Slide 38 Questions