Next Step Video Conference Call August 28, 2012 Thank YOU!


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Presentation transcript:

Next Step Video Conference Call August 28, 2012 Thank YOU!

Purpose of the AVATAR Next Step Video Conference Call Review the purpose of AVATAR Agree on next steps and expectations regarding AVATAR regional partnership outcomes and deliverables Strengthen relationships and communications between AVATAR Coordinators/Facilitators and staff

Academic Vertical Alignment Training And Renewal (AVATAR) Coordinators/Facilitators Thank YOU Re-Introductions

Introductions: AVATAR Regional Coordinators/Facilitators RegionCoordinator/Facilitator OneLaura Saenz TwoJanet Cunningham SixJoe Martin SevenJane Silvey NineKathy Harvey TenChris Kanouse ElevenKathy Wright-Chapman TwelveChristine Holecek ThirteenEd Vara FourteenChristy Barnett FifteenKaran Duwe SixteenRobin Adkins TwentyTori Austin

AVATAR Staff Nicole Volkman, Project Coordinator Kerry Quinn, Graduate Assistant Mary Harris, Co-director Jean Keller, Co-director

What is AVATAR? Academic Vertical Alignment Training And Renewal AVATAR is a statewide network focused on vertical alignment to support students’ college and career readiness AVATAR is a Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board (THECB) funded project which is implemented by the North Texas Regional P-16 Council and the University of North Texas

AVATAR’s Goals 1. Expand awareness of and create regional vertical alignment initiatives to prepare and support students who are college and career ready 2. Identify and implement strategies to close regional curriculum gaps 3. Identify processes to assess and celebrate regional progress in preparing college and career readied students 4. Share best practices

ScaffoldingStudentSuccess Who is AVATAR? A Partnership

AVATAR Vertical Alignment Regional Partnerships’ and Teams’ ACCOMPLISHMENTS Identify leaders and educators who make up a regional “pipe line” needed for students to be college and career ready Craft a shared regional college and career readiness foundation Use student data to guide vertical alignment decision- making and actions Implement a regional action plan which will include AVATAR critical conversations and a review of reference course profile information Design a regional vertical alignment sustainability plan Participate in AVATAR external evaluation requests

AVATAR Creating Our Next Steps Together Convene regional vertical alignment Partners and begin discussions to form shared understandings and select a course for alignment based on data and other information such as regional developmental education patterns, drop out patterns, career needs, etc. Due: Before 09/10/12 Identify vertical alignment Course Team Members Due: 09/17/12

AVATAR Creating Our Next Steps (continued) Create a regional Data PowerPoint – Due: 09/17/12 Create a regional vertical alignment Action and Sustainability Plan with measurable outcomes Due: 09/24/12 Train the vertical alignment Course Team Members Due: No later than 10/08/12

AVATAR Action and Sustainability Plan Key Areas: Forming and Sustaining Vertical Alignment Partnerships and Course Team Relationships Promoting Student Success through Critical Conversations, Actions, and Outcomes Collecting and Reporting Regional Student Data Creating Shared College and Career Readiness and Success Understandings

AVATAR Action and Sustainability Plan Key Areas (continued): Training the Vertical Alignment Team Reviewing Course Syllabi and Reference Course Profile Information Training Vertical Alignment Team and Sustaining Regional Vertical Alignment Work Outreaching and Communicating Regional Vertical Alignment Work with Key Leaders

AVATAR Creating Our Next Steps (continued) Conduct course vertical alignment process using critical conversations and review of reference course profile information with the vertical alignment course team (approx hours between Sept and May 2013, through face to face and on-line discussion and learning, with a frequency of interactions approx. once a monthly ) – Use Critical Conversation topics – Review Reference Course Profile information* (Use training modules, as applicable) Documentation of Progress Due: 11/12/12 01/10/13* 03/07/13 06/13/13

AVATAR Creating Our Next Steps (continued) Meet and Share Regional Vertical Alignment Efforts and Progress with Secondary and Postsecondary Administrators and P-16 Council Members Due: No later than 01/07/13 05/24/13 Train the Vertical Alignment Course Team Members Due: No later than 05/06/13

AVATAR Creating Our Next Steps (continued) Host Vertical Alignment Partners’ Reflections Celebrations, and Next Steps Meeting Due: No later than 05/24/13 Create and Submit Regional Vertical Alignment Action and Sustainability Plan Due: No later than 05/24/13

AVATAR Creating Our Next Steps (continued) Provide written progress reports* and participate in AVATAR’s communications on: – October 11, :30 – 10:30am** – November 2012 (Individual calls) – January 10, :30 – 10:30am** – February 2013 (Individual calls) – March 7, :30 – 10:30am** – April 2012 (Individual calls) – May 2012 (Individual calls) Phone Number for all AVATAR Network call: ** – June 13, :00 – 10:30am (TETN) *Please use AVATAR Meeting/Session Documentation Form and Vertical Alignment Outreach Activities and Outcomes Log for Monthly Reporting

Thank YOU AVATAR is only possible with YOU