Sponsored by the National Science Foundation GENI Registry Services, a.k.a. Digital Object Registry Spiral 2 Year-end Project Review CNRI PI: Larry Lannom Staff: Giridhar Manepalli, Christophe Blanchi Intern: Michael Booth (UVA CS undergrad) August 31, 2010 (Federation Participants: ProtoGENI Clearinghouse (Pull) and Million Node GENI (Push)) GENI Federated Clearinghouse
Sponsored by the National Science Foundation 2 Project Summary CNRI’s Digital Object Registry project brings our information management technologies to the GENI virtual laboratory build-out. These are low-level infrastructural technologies currently used across a wide variety of projects around the globe to identify, discover, and access digital objects of all kinds. To date they have been used in GENI to provide: GENI Federated Clearinghouse Node/services look-up facility for Million Node GENI Repository service for managing various experimental resources such as test cases, software packages, and results. August 31, 2010
Sponsored by the National Science Foundation 3 Milestone & QSR Status IDMilestoneStatusOn Time? On Wiki? GPO signoff? S2aHost a Digital Object Repository Service Implemented, deployed and demonstrated at GEC6. EarlyYes S2bDOR Services to the Million Node GENI project D eployed a Digital Object Registry for managing the operational records necessary to Million Node GENI ops. Currently in production use in MNG. EarlyYes S2cComplete Clearinghouse impl. & federate with ProtoGENI Up and running with automated harvesting of ProtoGENI CH records. < 2 mo. late Yes S2dCollab. on security design for Spiral 2Document submitted 20 July < 2 mo late YesNo S2eContinuously operating GENI Federated Clearinghouse Migrated the clearinghouse service to an operational CoLo facility. The service now is on a 100 Mbps line, and is monitored 24x7 by an alerting service. EarlyYes S2fEvaluation Report on GENI Federated Clearinghouse Document submitted 31 August 2010< 2 mo late YesNo S2gCollaborate with O&M teamPresentation at GEC6, all services operational. Yes? S2hContribute to GENI outreachStudent-intern use, plus GENI part of Lannom std Handle/DigObjArch slides. EarlyYes August 31, 2010
Sponsored by the National Science Foundation 4 Accomplishments 1: Advancing GENI Spiral 2 Goals Interoperability: Enabled federation of ProtoGENI clearinghouse records: slices, resources, components, users, and services, into a common schema. Next focus is PlanetLab. Engaged in an early discussion with PlanetLab. Milestone S2.c and S2.e. I&M: Conceptual design of an I&M data archive and registry services being defined in discussion with Harry Mussman. Design to be proposed to the I&M working group. Could prototype the design in Spiral 3. Identity Management: Analyzed InCommon and Shibboleth’s influence and challenges in GENI as well as the way in which the Handle System addresses those challenges. Report submitted. Milestone S2.d. August 31, 2010
Sponsored by the National Science Foundation 5 Accomplishments 2: Other Project Accomplishments Million Node GENI production support. Used Handle System to replace defunct Distributed Hash Table service essential to MNG operations. Milestone S2.b Production services moved to CoLo center; external monitoring applied. Storage services to GENI members: Hosted a Digital Object Repository service to GENI members. Milestone S2.a Made preliminary connection with DataCite consortium for standardized citation of data sets resulting from GENI experiments. August 31, 2010
Sponsored by the National Science Foundation 6 Issues Lack of identity management adoption implied we had to assume a few things in our security analysis, including identifying Shibboleth & InCommon federation as potential systems. Not a huge issue, but ProtoGENI’s python development environment resulted in a few challenges while federating clearinghouse records. We will get back to them shortly with suggested changes. August 31, 2010
Sponsored by the National Science Foundation 7 Plans What are you plans for the remainder of Spiral 2? –This conference call The GPO is starting to formulate goals for Spiral 3. What are your thoughts regarding potential Spiral 3 work? –PlanetLab federation of resources. Identify how PlanetLab maps to ProtoGENI clearinghouse and address the heterogeneity challenges. –Contribute to I&M as possible - data archive system implementation. –Prototype GENI-wide Identity Management system implementation using the Handle System. August 31, 2010