Welcome Back Parents and Students! OFHS PTSA Meeting August 27, 2009
Agenda Welcome - Carol Moore, Principal SAC election info – Rhea Oremland PTSA – Debi Klein Business Activities School Updates – Dan Evans
What PTSA is about Parent Teacher Student Association Help parents, teachers, students, and community members work together toward the common goal of turning our students into well educated, self-fulfilled individuals We raise funds to help meet additional needs that budgets don’t cover for the school, student incentives, senior scholarships, etc. Offer monthly programs to parents and students
What PTSA is about “Any program that makes a difference in the life of a single child is a success” --Charles Derexson --Charles Derexson
What PTSA is about Child Advocacy PTA – Powerful Tenacious Advocates Supporting and speaking up for children – in schools, communities, and before legislative bodies that make decisions affecting children Provide tools for parents Child trafficking Energy drinks
PTSA Accomplishments Direct Donations – automatic electronic defibrillator, student incentives, FCAT testing supplies 3 $500 senior scholarships through the Pinellas Education Foundation $2000 in mini grants to several teachers Monthly programs – college/career night, FCAT, curriculum fair, teen health and safety (including safe driving), 2 nd Semester Open House, internet safety, and others Spirit Night and Homecoming Pre-Game Family Dinner Reflections program – 6 county level winners, 2 state awards of merit First Annual Silent Auction Florida PTA Promoting Physical Fitness and Healthy Activities Award (including $500) Pinellas County Council PTA Outstanding Program of the Year Pinellas County Council PTA Website Award Florida PTA President’s Program Award
General Business – 2009/2010 Board Executive Committee President – Debi Klein VP Leadership – Lisa Cortez VP of Education – Terry Shimko VP Membership – Celeste O’Neill Secretary – Michelle Kosior Treasurer – Mea Basso (to be elected in) Executive Board Chairs Hospitality – Helle Hartley Volunteer Coordinator – Kenny Krauss Students Open – 12 th grade Open – 11 th grade Courtney Clifton – 10 th grade Sydnee Robinson – 9 th grade Samantha Hauser – 9 th grade
Current PTSA Activities Welcome Back Breakfast for faculty Thanks to Helle Hartley for coordinating Thanks to those who contributed time, money, or food Spirit Wear Apparel $$$ Direct Donation Program $$$ Teacher mini-grants Parking Lot Project Selling spaces during lunch Friday, the 29 th, and paint days Paint days scheduled for after school, 29 th and 9am to noon on the 30th Backpack, school supplies, basic items
Parent/Community Thanks Mr. Wiser in his leadership with Brighthouse for the record boards in gym Anonymous parent for their extremely generous gift of the sound system for the gym
General Business Annual Report for Financial Audit for Approve Budget for 2009/2010 Membership 525 members 3 departments 100% membership Business dept ScienceGuidance Have you joined yet
Membership Largest volunteer child advocacy association in the nation Parent involvement increases students success Supports the National and State PTA Local business discounts
Upcoming PTSA Activities Spirit Night What is Spirit Week / Night This is co-coordinated with the school Will take place, Wed. Oct. 14 th Volunteers for setup, concessions, activities, cleanup
Upcoming PTSA Activities Homecoming Pre-Game Family Dinner Will take place Oct. 15 th before the Homecoming game Volunteers for selling tickets, setup, cleanup Reflections – “Beauty is...”
Upcoming PTSA Meetings September 24 th Drug, alcohol, tobacco, and energy drinks October 29 th College, Career, Financial Aid, Scholarship November 19 th Teen Health and Safety – internet safety, safe driving, healthy eating and nutrition
Volunteer Opportunities Selling Spirit Wear Before and after PTSA meetings During lunches on designated days Auction Committee Start planning Donations of items to bid on Remember you must be a registered volunteer Check Events/Activities form or website A Chair for Parking Lot Project
Contact Information If you would like to volunteer for any of these or other needs at the school contact Michelle Shepard, Community and Family Liaison Debi Klein, President – Website – or go to the About Us section on the school website and select PTSA