[insert briefing type here] [insert program name here] for [insert name and organization of person(s) to be briefed here] [insert “month day, year” of brief here] Briefed by: [insert briefer’s name here] [insert briefer’s organization code here] [insert briefer’s phone number here] [Insert briefer’s address here] Insert program logo in this area Distribution Statement
Insert program logo here Purpose of Briefing
Insert program logo here Exit Criteria
Insert program logo here Briefing Outline
Insert program logo here Concept/Requirement
Insert program logo here [insert program name] Program Overview DATE OF REPORT: MM/DD/YYYY PM / SponsorCostSchedulePerformance Programmatic Compliance LogisticsOverall Contact Info here Description: Program Start Date: MM / YY [Insert program description here] Issues: [Insert significant program issues here] Key Performance Parameters KPPObjectiveThresholdDemo OP Avail S/W Reliability 200 hrs 200 hrs 1000 hrs S/W Mean 5 sec 5 sec 3.2 sec xxxx x x x Acquisition Objectives Quantity650 IOC12 / 99 Target Price (unit)$Various $M (FY XX)$ Contractor Data ContractorLitton DSD Value / Type$NA / GSA Start / CompleteAPR97 / APR03 ContractorXXX Value / Type$XX / XXX Start / CompleteXXX / XXX Cost Data ($ in M)* CostObjectiveThresholdCurrent Est. R&D Proc O&S xxxx x x x * Values from last approved APB (IT) ACAT Level: MDA: XXX Budget Source: SCHEDULE FY by Quarters Milestones Testing Development Production Installation R&D / Studies FY 00 IIIIIIIV FY 01 IIIIIIIV FY 02 IIIIIIIV FY 03 IIIIIIIV FY 04 IIIIIIIV FY 05 IIIIIIIV FY 06 IIIIIIIV FY 07 IIIIIIIV 20 1 CDR 3 3 SVR MS IIID MS-IIB&C FOT&E LRIP OPEVAL BUDGET ($M) RDT&E Procurement TOTAL OM&N $5.0 $17.5 $2.0 $7 $20 $3 FY 02 $8.5 $23 $4.5 FY 03 $8 $23.5 $5.5 FY 04 $7 $11 $4 FY 05 $4 $9 $5 FY 06 $0 $3 FY 07 $0 $3 FY 01FY 00 $10.5$10 $ Total Program Cost * $20 $27.5 $25 $72.5 *Note: Total Program Cost shown is FY 02 through FY 07 5
Insert program logo here Program Assessment Indicators/Program Manager’s Assessment (indicate Green/Yellow/Red, Program managers comments, an assessment based on current funding profile and current approved Acquisition Program Baseline) Program Assessment Indicators Performance CharacteristicsGreenScheduleGreen Test & EvaluationGreenContractsGreen Logistics Reqts & Readiness Obj GreenProductionGreen CostGreenManagement StructureGreen FundingGreenInteroperability Green Managers’ Assessment (for each Assessment Indicator rated Green Advisory, Yellow, Yellow Advisory, or Red). PM: PEO: Program Assessment
Insert program logo here Program Overview Component Illustration
Insert program logo here Program Overview Capability Enabler
Insert program logo here Deployed/ Mobile Units BASE IMA FISC Pier Connections CLINIC TRNG CEN HQ TELEPORT/STEP Long Haul (DISN & Commercial ) TRAINING CENTER USN/USMC LOGISTIC BASE NAVAL AMPHIBIOUS BASE NOC BASE MC AIR STATION End-to-End Connectivity NMCI at the Pier 10 Development Strategy End-to-End Capability
Insert program logo here Interoperability & Supportability Net Ready
Insert program logo here Program Schedule
Insert program logo here Program Overview Recent Accomplishments
Insert program logo here Program Overview Significant Challenges
Insert program logo here Program Information Status R Required at this time, but does not exist B Requires development or updating w/in 12 months O Required at this time and under development/update G Current, with all required approvals Y In approval cycle. Expected Date in Comments NR Not required. Rationale in Comments
Insert program logo here Clinger Cohen Compliance Address the certification (ACAT IAC/IAM) or confirmation (ACAT ID/IC/II/III/IV) status and issues. –Add the following statement “Receipt of CCA Confirmation/Compliance from PEO C4I and Space CIO (enter date (mm/dd/yy))”. State whether or not this system has been registered in the DoN CIO database. Discuss the Information Assurance Strategy.
Insert program logo here Analysis of Alternatives KPPALT 1ALT 2ALT 3ALT 4 KPP 1 KPP 2 KPP 3 KPP 4 LCC ($TYM) Then Year Millions $$$$
Insert program logo here Acquisition Strategy (Requirements and Approach) Source Documents: Approach: Single Step or Evolutionary
Insert program logo here Acquisition Strategy (Program Structure) Concept Decision Milestone A RFP Development Milestone B Contract Award Development Test/OA Milestone C/LRIP Decision Operational Test IOC FRP Decision FY03 FY04 FY05 FY06 FY07 FY08FY09FY10
Insert program logo here Acquisition Strategy (Business Approach) Current Contracts New Procurement Actions Proposed [name of effort] Contract –Competitive or Sole Source (if sole source provide justification –Contract Type: –Estimated contract value: –Period of Performance: –Acquisition Objectives: –Estimated Contract Award: –Status of Acquisition Plan:
Insert program logo here Acquisition Strategy (Competition)
Insert program logo here Contracting Strategy
Insert program logo here Contractor Name, Contract Number, Contract Type, Short Contract Title Contract Metrics and Performance Projections Y Solvency (Provide comments in notes page) PEO and Program Manager/PMS-XXX, Program Acronym, ACAT XX, Date Reported
Insert program logo here Budget PEO C4I and Space Programmed (% Obligated) Note:All amounts in $M Source:FY2004 DoN President’s Budget January Y Solvency
Insert program logo here Budget (By Functional Area) Programmed (% Obligated) Note:All amounts in $M Source:FY2004 DoN President’s Budget January Y Solvency INVENTORY OBJECTIVE: _____________
Insert program logo here Cost as an Independent Variable (CAIV)
Insert program logo here Testing Strategy
Insert program logo here Testing Budget Programmed (% Obligated)
Insert program logo here Developmental Testing & Evaluation (DT&E) Results
Insert program logo here Proposed DT&E Corrective Actions
Insert program logo here T&E Exceptions Waivers Deferrals
Insert program logo here Software Maturity S/W Trouble Reports (STRs) S/W Build Version x.xx # of STRs
Insert program logo here Education & Training Efforts
Insert program logo here Limitations to the Scope of Testing
Insert program logo here Testing Waivers
Insert program logo here Bullets on projections for the contract completion plan (use additional slide for comments if necessary). For example: Company is consolidating two facilities into one and reducing unnecessary redundancy, which is anticipated to improve cost and schedule efficiency by about 5%. Government is accelerating GFE delivery, which better supports the contractor’s performance measurement baseline and is intended to reduce the cost variance at completion and time to complete. Contractor Name, Contract Number, Contract Type, Short Contract Title Contract Metrics and Performance Projections Y Solvency (Provide comments in notes page) Provide notations of CPI/SPI as of the current (or latest available) month of the briefing and for the previous 3 months and show the dates. If the contractor is in an OTB, the the CPI/SPI should reflect performance since the new baseline. Also, note in this chart the TAB and cumulative BCWP, ACWP, and BCWS since beginning of contract and since the most recent rebaselining (if any) of the contract. CPI SPI (Cum Since Rebaselining to OTB) Dec Jan Feb Mar PEO and Program Manager/PMS-XXX, Program Acronym, ACAT XX, Date Reported Amount of overrun built into the new contract baseline, if in OTB New Contract Baseline If EVM is not reported, PMs will still provide the rest of the information required on this slide, including contract start and completion dates.
Insert program logo here CPARS/IPARS/Award Fee Matrix Contractor PM Name/Gov’t PM Name Date of Review: ddmmmyy
Insert program logo here e LIKELIHOOD e d c b a CONSEQUENCE dc b a HighMedium LowMedium Risk Advisory Board: [Mr. X, PMA xxx] [Ms. Y, XYZ Corp] [Ms. Z, DASN YY] A brief description of Issue # 4 and rationale for its rating. Approach to remedy/mitigation A brief description of Issue # 4 and rationale for its rating. Approach to remedy/mitigation A brief description of Issue # 3 and rationale for its rating. Approach to remedy/mitigation A brief description of Issue # 3 and rationale for its rating. Approach to remedy/mitigation A brief description of Issue # 2 and rationale for its rating. Approach to remedy/mitigation A brief description of Issue # 2 and rationale for its rating. Approach to remedy/mitigation A brief description of Issue # 1 and rationale for its rating. Approach to remedy/mitigation A brief description of Issue # 1 and rationale for its rating. Approach to remedy/mitigation A brief description of Issue # 5 and rationale for its rating. Approach to remedy/mitigation A brief description of Issue # 5 and rationale for its rating. Approach to remedy/mitigation A brief description of Issue # 6 and rationale for its rating. Approach to remedy/mitigation A brief description of Issue # 6 and rationale for its rating. Approach to remedy/mitigation Acronyms: [IMA= Intermediate Maintenance Activity] Program Risk Assessment
Insert program logo here Life-Cycle Support
Insert program logo here Life-Cycle Support
Insert program logo here Logistics Risk Assessment e LIKELIHOOD e d c b a CONSEQUENCE dc b a HighMedium LowMedium : Overall Assessment 1: Training 2: Support Equipment 3: Publications 4: Facilities 5: Maintenance Concept 6: Supply Support 7: MTBF Logistics Areas Logistics Areas (examples) RISK # 4 Brief description of Issue and rationale for its rating. Approach to remedy/mitigation. Risk mitigation funding. RISK # 5 Brief description of Issue and rationale for its rating. Approach to remedy/mitigation. Risk mitigation funding. RISK # 6 Brief description of Issue and rationale for its rating. Approach to remedy/mitigation. Risk mitigation funding.
Insert program logo here [Combat capability] ThresholdObjective [C4I Interoperability, (Strategic, Theater, Force Coord.)] [Endurance] [Cost] [Manning] [Sustained Speed] KPP “Sliding Diamond” ORD Compliance Status
Insert program logo here Manning and Qualification MIL CIV MIL CIV GOAL
Insert program logo here Add TitleAppn/AddStatus/Actions Taken Committee(s)/ Member(s) Hokum ProcessorRDT&E/$ 5MHAC/Smyth OSD Hold / Release Requested Outyear Impact Program accelerated -$5M in FY XX likely FYXX Congressional Adds
Insert program logo here Key Issues No further action required Significant interest outside Program Cannot be solved within the Program Legend IssueDue DateResponseStatus
Insert program logo here Other Decision Factors
Insert program logo here Desired Capability (Requirements) Summary description of the requirements Source Documents: –Examples: MNS/ICD ORD/CDD ADMs – what decisions have been made and when Identify the approach the program will use to achieve full capability: an evolutionary approach or a single step approach
Insert program logo here Acquisition Coordination Team (ACT) The following (Program Name) ACT members have been briefed on the program status and concur with the fielding of (Program Name). Functional AreaNameOrganization Program Manager Acquisition PM Project Engineer Resource Sponsor Requirements Sponsor Contracts Legal Operational Test Coord./Director (OTC/OTD) PEO Acquisition ManagementLois HarperPEO C4I PEO T&EJohn HartfordPEO C4I PEO InstallationSusan SenesePEO C4I PEO LogisticsCAPT Pete BaumanPEO C4I PEO Business Financial Manager (BFM)Susie Drew/Program BFMPEO C4I Cost AnalysisMourad YacoubSPAWAR 01-6 Command Information OfficerScott SaundersSPAWAR 08 CounterintelligenceKurt FabrizioSPAWAR 00-NCIS Environmental Safety and HealthJerry OlenSPAWAR/NFESC System Security/Information AssuranceDave CrottyPMW 161 Spectrum ManagementMike StewartSPAWAR 05 Interoperability CertificationKevin WuSPAWAR 05 Information SupportCDR Leon StoneSPAWAR 05 Manpower Analysis Human Systems IntegrationJoe BerkelySPAWAR 05
Insert program logo here Major Program Review Readiness Sheet
Insert program logo here PEO C4I and Space Major Review Checklist
Insert program logo here PEO C4I and Space Major Review Checklist
Insert program logo here PEO C4I and Space Major Review Checklist
Insert program logo here PEO C4I and Space Major Review Checklist
Insert program logo here Program Manger’s OTRR Checklist Navy Criteria for Certification: The following criteria for certification of readiness applies to all OT&E for all Navy Programs (EOA, OA, IOT&E, FOT&E). The program manager with the concurrence of the OTA, may tailor criteria listed below ( with the exception of item #1). The MDA may add criteria as necessary to determine the readiness for OT. YesNoN/AApproval Date 1. The TEMP is current and approved. OT prior to Milestone B shall have an approved T&E Strategy (TES). 2. DT&E results indicate DT objectives and performance thresholds identified in the TEMP have been satisfied for the ORD/CDD/CPD, as appropriate. a. If no, are they projected to be at system maturity, and do the results indicate that the system will perform successfully in OT&E? b. In addition, will they meet the criteria for approval at the next program decision milestone (e.g., full rate production on completion of IOT&E)? 3. All significant areas of risk have been identified and corrected, or mitigation pans are in place. 4. DT&E data and reports have been provided to the OTA not less than 30 days prior to the commencement of OT, unless otherwise agreed to by the OTA. 5. Entrance criteria for OT identified in the TEMP have been satisfied.
Insert program logo here Program Manger’s OTRR Checklist (con’t) Navy Criteria for Certification: The following criteria for certification of readiness applies to all OT&E for all Navy Programs (EOA, OA, IOT&E, FOT&E). The program manager with the concurrence of the OTA, may tailor criteria listed below ( with the exception of item #1). The MDA may add criteria as necessary to determine the readiness for OT. YesNoN/AApproval Date 6. System operating, maintenance, and training documents have been provided to the OTA 30 days prior to the OTRR, unless otherwise agreed to by the OTA. 7. Logistic support, including spares, repair parts, and support/ground support equipment is available as documented. a. Is there any logistics support which will be used during OT&E, but will not be used with the system when fielded (e.g., contractor provided depot level maintenance)? 8. The OT&E manning of the system is adequate in numbers, rates, ratings, and experience level to simulate normal operating conditions. 9. Training has been completed and is representative of that planned for fleet units. 10. All resources required to execute OT including instrumentation, simulators, targets, and expendables have been identified and are available. 11. Models, simulators, and targets have been accredited for intended use.
Insert program logo here Program Manger’s OTRR Checklist (con’t) Navy Criteria for Certification: The following criteria for certification of readiness applies to all OT&E for all Navy Programs (EOA, OA, IOT&E, FOT&E). The program manager with the concurrence of the OTA, may tailor criteria listed below ( with the exception of item #1). The MDA may add criteria as necessary to determine the readiness for OT. YesNoN/AApproval Date 12. The system provided for OT&E, including software, is production representative. Differences between the system provided for test and production configuration shall be addressed at the OTRR. 13. Threat information (e.g., threat system characteristics and performance, electronic countermeasures, force levels, scenarios, and tactics), to include security classification, required for OT&E is available to satisfy OTA test planning. 14. The system is safe to use as planned in the concept of employment. Any restrictions to safe employment are stated. a. The environmental, safety, and occupational health (ESOH) program requirements have been satisfied. b. The system complies with Navy/Marine Corps environmental, safety, and occupational health/hazardous waste requirements, where applicable. c. Environmental, safety, and occupational health/hazardous waste reviews and reports have been provided to the OTA.
Insert program logo here Program Manger’s OTRR Checklist (con’t) Navy Criteria for Certification: The following criteria for certification of readiness applies to all OT&E for all Navy Programs (EOA, OA, IOT&E, FOT&E). The program manager with the concurrence of the OTA, may tailor criteria listed below ( with the exception of item #1). The MDA may add criteria as necessary to determine the readiness for OT. YesNoN/AApproval Date 15. All software is sufficiently mature and stable for fleet introduction. a. All software Trouble Reports are documented with appropriate impact analyses. There are no outstanding Trouble Reports that: 1) Prevent the accomplishment of an essential capability. 2) Jeopardize safety, security, or other requirement designated "critical“. 3) Adversely affect the accomplishment of an essential capability and no work-around solution is known, or 4) Adversely affect technical, cost, or schedule risks to the project or to life-cycle support of the system, and no work-around solution is known. 16. For software qualification testing (SQT), a Statement of Functionality that describes the software capability has been provided to the OTA and CNO (N091).
Insert program logo here Program Manger’s OTRR Checklist (con’t) Navy Criteria for Certification: The following criteria for certification of readiness applies to all OT&E for all Navy Programs (EOA, OA, IOT&E, FOT&E). The program manager with the concurrence of the OTA, may tailor criteria listed below ( with the exception of item #1). The MDA may add criteria as necessary to determine the readiness for OT. YesNoN/AApproval Date 17. For programs with interoperability requirements (e.g., NR-KPP ORD/CDD/CPD), appropriate authority has approved the ISP. a. JITC concurs that program interoperability demonstrated in development has progressed sufficiently for the phase of OT to be conducted. 18. Approval of spectrum certification compliance and spectrum supportability has been obtained. 19. For IT systems, including NSS, the system has been assigned a MAC and Confidentiality Level. a. System certification accreditation documents, including the SSAA and the Authority to Operate (ATO) or Interim Authority to Operate (IATO), has been provided to the OTA. 20. Other(s)…
Insert program logo here Program Manger’s OTRR Checklist (con’t) Navy Criteria for Certification: The following criteria for certification of readiness applies to all OT&E for all Navy Programs (EOA, OA, IOT&E, FOT&E). The program manager with the concurrence of the OTA, may tailor criteria listed below ( with the exception of item #1). The MDA may add criteria as necessary to determine the readiness for OT. YesNoN/AApproval Date 21. For aircraft programs, there are no unresolved NAVAIRSYSCOM deficiencies that affect: a. Airworthiness b. Capability to accomplish the primary or secondary mission(s) c. Safety of the aircrew/operator/maintainer d. Integrity of the system or an essential subsystem e. Effectiveness of the operator as an essential subsystem
Insert program logo here Recommendations