Team7 Team Assignment 2 Software Measurement and Analysis
Contents 1 What we need to measure 2 Measure 3 Question and Answer 4
2. Measure Measure Type MeasureMetricFormulaReason Schedule Duration estimate Duration estimate for each task ME= Total of duration estimate of each task Help us estimate time to complete the task, because the duration is important in schedule Duration actual Duration actual for each task MA= (Duration Actual / Duration Estimate) * 100% Help to compare duration of Task Actual and Estimate,monitor and cotrol the work to complete the task. Adjustment reasonable schedule Effort Actual Effort actual spent on work unit MA= (Effort Actual/ Effort Estimate) *100% Control effort per/hour spent on work unit Effort Estimate Effort estimate on work unit ME= Total of effort estimate of each phase Date of delivery Date MD = Date actual of delivery - Date estimate of delivery Delivery date is important in schedule that decide productivity, affect and safe of project.
2. Measure Measure TypeMeasureMetricFormulaReason Budget Project cost estimate Cost spent for each phase MC= Total of cost estimate of each phase The cost is very important in Budget, so we must evaluate estimate ability about cost Project cost actual Cost actual spent for each phase MC= ( Project cost actual/ Project cost estimate) * 100% The cost actual status help us to control, pay money for everything part of project in logical. Resource estimate Resource estimate for each phase MR= Total of resource estimate of each phase Help us estimate ability about resource, control to complete the task Resource actual Resource actual for each phase MR= ( Resource actual/ Resource estimate) * 100% Help us monitor and control distribute work reasonable Earn valueEarn value related o Cost Variance (CV) = BCWP – ACWP o Schedule Variance (SV) = BCWP – BCWS o Cost Performance Index (CPI) CPI = BCWP / ACWP o Schedule Performance Index (SPI) SPI = BCWP / BCWS o Budget at Completion (BAC) BAC = BCWS final o Variance at Completion (VAC) VAC = BAC – EAC o Ước lượng thời gian kết thúc của dự án ISAC = Project Duration/SPI o Ước lượng chi phí kết thúc(Estimate cost at completion) EAC= BAC/CPI Earned Value is an objective measurement of how much( valuable work) has been completed on a traditional project. Using EVM, a project manager can track project progress accurately and objectively,by comparing how much work has actually been completed against the amount of work planned
2. Measure Measure Type MeasureMetricFormulaReason Schedule Duration estimate Duration estimate for each task ME= Total of duration estimate of each task Help us estimate time to complete the task, because the duration is important in schedule Duration actual Duration actual for each task MA= (Duration Actual / Duration Estimate) * 100% Help to compare duration of Task Actual and Estimate,monitor and cotrol the work to complete the task. Adjustment reasonable schedule Effort Actual Effort actual spent on work unit MA= (Effort Actual/ Effort Estimate) *100% Control effort per/hour spent on work unit Effort Estimate Effort estimate on work unit ME= Total of effort estimate of each phase Date of delivery Date MD = Date actual of delivery - Date estimate of delivery Delivery date is important in schedule that decide productivity, affect and safe of project.
2. Measure Measure TypeMeasureMetricFormulaReason Quality Defect founded Number of defect Defect A : Number of defect founded by team A Defect B: Number of defect founded by team B Defect A& B : Number of defect founded by team A & B Total defect founded= (Defect A + Defect B) - Defect A&B Helps us monitor number of defect in product to make sure initial goals and make plan to solve defect Defect fixedNumber of defect MDe= (Number of defect fixed/ Total defect founded) *100% Helps us control quality of product Defect reported by customer Number of defect reported by customer A: Number of defect reported by customer B: Total defect founded MDe= (A/B) * 100% Get information of defects help us improve quality of product Customer satisfaction Using surveyUsing questionnaire Satisfy the customer to generate repeat business Risk Number of risk MR= Total of risk Help us make plan to manage risk, avoid bad result Risk impactDensity risk appearsMR= (Total of Risk/ Size) *100% Help us determine risk priority and risk exposure to make risk strategy
2. Measure Measure Type MeasureMetricFormulaReason Testing Test caseNumber of test case MT = Total of test case of each phase Test case failure Number of test case failure MT= (Number of test case failure/ Total test case) *100% Help us monitor quality of product, find defect and make plan to fix defect Test case successful Number of test case successful MT= (Number of test case successful/ Total test case) *100% Help us control quality of product that we achieved Time for testing TimeMT= Total of time of test case Evaluate time spent for testing phase Change Change request Number of change request MC = Total change request in the project Help us avoiding common problems Change request is implemented Number of change request MC= (Number of change request is implemented/ total change request)*100% Help us make descion on change of project.
2. Measure Measure Type MeasureMetricFormulaReason Testing Test caseNumber of test case MT = Total of test case of each phase Test case failure Number of test case failure MT= (Number of test case failure/ Total test case) *100% Help us monitor quality of product, find defect and make plan to fix defect Test case successful Number of test case successful MT= (Number of test case successful/ Total test case) *100% Help us control quality of product that we achieved Time for testing TimeMT= Total of time of test case Evaluate time spent for testing phase Change Change request Number of change request MC = Total change request in the project Help us avoiding common problems Change request is implemented Number of change request MC= (Number of change request is implemented/ total change request)*100% Help us make descion on change of project.
2. Measure Measure Type MeasureMetricFormulaReason Product Product sizeLines of codeMP= Total lines of code in product Help us evaluate scale of project, and product size to control follow scope Functional size Function point Assume : EI : External Input EO : External Outputs EQ: External Inquiries ILF: Internal logical files EIF: External interface files UFP :Unadjusted function points CAF: Complexity adjustment factor FP: Function points Fi: Density influence w : complexity (Assume: This complexity is average column) UFD = EI * w1 + EO * w2 + EQ * w3 + ILF *w4+EIF *w5 CAF= [ ∑Fi] FP=UFP+CAF Helps us known vision and scope of project, focus on functional to make a good plan
4. Question and Answer
Team7 Have a nice day