2 What is Project Exploration? "Founded in 1977, Project Exploration, Inc., has safely taken several generations of students on educational field trips throughout the southwest. Our emphasis on safety, organization, and attention to detail has allowed us to be a sole provider in this unique service. Our knowledgeable staff keeps students entertained, engaged, and learning while we travel focusing on concepts reinforced in the classroom." 2
Your Child’s Safety ois NUMBER 1 ! oBuddy System oAdult group leaders oSafety information at each stop oCode word oNight security at hotel
Ties to the Curriculum Science Strand 1: Inquiry Process Concept 1: Observations, Questions, and Hypotheses Strand 2: History and Nature of Science Concept 1: History of Science as a Human Endeavor Strand 4: Life Science Concept 1: Structure and Function in Living Systems Strand 6: Earth and Space Science Concept 1: Structure of the Earth Listening and Speaking Standard 1: Students use listening strategies and skills to comprehend, interpret, evaluate, a data/or appreciate viewpoints and ideas of others. Standard 2: Students use strategies, processes and conventions to orally communicate ideas to a variety of audiences for specific purposes. Writing Standard 1: Students use writing strategies and processes to communicate ideas to a variety of audiences for specific purposes. Life Skills Students will use real life math skills in maintaining a budget of their expenses and cooperative group work.
Itinerary MARCH 9, 2016(WED) 10 pm Bus depart school Drive to San Diego MARCH 10, 2016(THURS) Breakfast SeaWorld Floating Lab Dinner on beach with Fire Travel to LA Area Hotel w/ Night Security MARCH11, 2016(FRI) Breakfast at Hotel Aquarium of the Pacific Travel Home with Educational and Fun Activities Dinner-Blythe Return to school at 9:00 pm
What is Included? Price of trip includes: air-conditioned motor coach driver instructor all admission fees night security
21 How to Prepare for This Trip Earn spending money Practice using a camera and budgeting money Pack healthy snacks/water for the bus Pack your bag Go to bed early the night before
22 Memories to last a lifetime!