Faculty Assembly Please check off your name 6 February 2004
Quorum Detection Of those members who are here, I detect that 2/3 of them are present.
Approval of last meeting’s minutes
Reports Senate Council –Joseph O’Sullivan Arts and Sciences –Christopher Gill SEAS –Ron Cytron See Click on “executive committee Is anybody reading it?
Introduction of new faculty
Applicable undergraduate degree requirements Introduction (Dean Kroeger) Motion to approve Second Discussion Vote: [outcome]
Grades “T” and “X” no longer count in GPA or toward probation and dismissal rules Introduction (Dean Kroeger) Motion to approve Second Discussion Vote: [outcome]
Additional text for undergrad catalog Introduction (Dean Kroeger) Motion to approve Second Discussion Vote: [outcome]
New Courses BME 573 Sensorimotor Systems and Computations
Other business? Need ¾ to add to agenda, else must wait until next meeting
ESE course renumbering Motion to add to agenda? –¾ approval required Introduction (Hiro Mukai) Motion to approve Second Discussion Vote: [outcome]
State of the School Address Dean Christopher I. Byrnes
Good and Welfare Chancellor Wrighton will address our next and final meeting of this year (23 April 2004) –Topics we want to bring up?
Adjournment Motion? (no second needed)