Economics of natural recources and conditions Educational course O.P.Korobeynikov, I.M.Afanasyeva, A.N.Nikiforov Computerized for network studies
Purpose of the course: Training specialists in the area of economics and ecology for management of natural resources by economic means © O.P.Korobeynikov, I.M.Afanasyeva, A.N.Nikiforov Economics of natural resources and conditions Course objectives: give analysis to conceptions of sustainable development; develop skills in determining economic value of natural resources and conditions; give the knowledge of the instruments and opportunities of the governmental regulation in management of natural resources.
Innovative aspects of the course: The focus of the course is on the theoretical and practical problems of managing natural resources by economic means. An attempt is made to give a new vision of the modern idea of the natural resource economics. © O.P.Korobeynikov, I.M.Afanasyeva, A.N.Nikiforov Economics of natural resources and conditions Course place in the system of university education: The course is oriented to : training specialists of ecological/economic profile (specialty – “Economics and business management at an enterprise” with ecological and economic specialization) Bachelor’s degree program of ecological/economic description on the basis of the state standard “Economics”
Course components: Course book Compendium of lectures Complex of instruction and methods materials: –tasks and exercises for independent studies –tests –themes for reports and written papers –reader –examination program –examination questions –sample of examination paper © O.P.Korobeynikov, I.M.Afanasyeva, A.N.Nikiforov Economics of natural resources and conditions
Course sections: Theoretical principles in determining the value of natural resources Economics of land use and protection of land resource Economics of water use and protection of water resources Economics of raw material use and protection of mineral deposits and raw material resources Economics of the use of forests and protection of forest resources © O.P.Korobeynikov, I.M.Afanasyeva, A.N.Nikiforov Economics of natural resources and conditions
© O.P.Korobeynikov, I.M.Afanasyeva, A.N.Nikiforov Economics of natural resources and conditions Course trial The course was tried on an academic group pursuing the undergraduate program in the direction “Economics” with orientation to specialty “Economics and management of an enterprise” with ecological and economic specialization, the course lasting from January 2003 till May The course has been included in the authorized curriculum for undergraduate students