1 E. Bong 1 XCS Final Instrument Design Review Engineering Status April 21, 2009 LUSI WBS 1.4 X-Ray Correlation Spectroscopy Final.


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Presentation transcript:

1 E. Bong 1 XCS Final Instrument Design Review Engineering Status April 21, 2009 LUSI WBS 1.4 X-Ray Correlation Spectroscopy Final Instrument Design Review Engineering Status Eric Bong April 21, 2009

2 E. Bong 2 XCS Final Instrument Design Review Engineering Status April 21, 2009 Outline WBS 1.4 Scope Early Science/CD-4 Deliverables Progress since PIDR Status Engineering/Design Status Cost & Schedule Performance Critical Path Risk Identification & Mitigation Safety Summary

3 E. Bong 3 XCS Final Instrument Design Review Engineering Status April 21, 2009 WBS 1.3 – Early Science/CD-4 Deliverables Early Finish – August 2011 Early Finish – January 2012 (B/L Early Finish – November 2012)

4 E. Bong 4 XCS Final Instrument Design Review Engineering Status April 21, 2009 Progress Since PIDR BCR - Reconfiguration of XCS Instrument Moved Large Offset Monochromator Addition of “Post Monochromator” to project scope Moved Split & Delay into alcove upstream of Hutch 4 Relocated diagnostics to characterize beam before and after the monochromators Eliminated long beam-line transport in XRT XRT Beam-Line Design Extensive modification of LLNL design required Negotiated redesign of XRT to minimize re-work Split redesign cost with LCLS Now far less rework required to install XCS components

5 E. Bong 5 XCS Final Instrument Design Review Engineering Status April 21, 2009 Progress Since CD-2 Translation of XCS onto CXI Line Supports Early Science Documentation for Long Lead Procurement PRDs, ESDs, SOWs, Diffractometer Large Angle Detector Mover Large Offset Monochromator Held Long Lead Procurement Review, April 23, 2009 Commercial alternative for diagnostic stopper Vendor indicates modification of existing stopper design to add B4C wafer on face is possible Savings of design and fabrication time Updates P3 to indicate change in acquisition strategy

6 E. Bong 6 XCS Final Instrument Design Review Engineering Status April 21, 2009 Progress Since CD-2 XCS Engineering/Design staff Added 1 Mech Engineer / Designer – February 2009 Added 2 Mech Engineer / Designers – May 2009 Preliminary Design Reviews (PDRs) Vacuum: XRT & Hutch4 Supports: XRT & Hutch 4 Granite Tables Large Angle Mover Vacuum Assembly PDRs complete Baseline vibration data obtained in the LCLS Far Experimental Hall Vertical/Horizontal PSD, 1-100Hz (Compliments P. Montanez, J. Turner)

7 E. Bong 7 XCS Final Instrument Design Review Engineering Status April 21, 2009 Engineering & Design Status Engineering & Design Staff Ted Osier, Michael Kosovsky, Henry Alvarez, Navtej Hundal, Eric Bong Large Offset Monochromator Post-Monochromator Split and Delay Area Hutch 4 Optics, Diffractometer Large Angle detector Mover X-Ray Transport Hall (XRT) XCS Instrument Scientist Aymeric Robert XCS Visiting Scientist Soo-Heyong Lee

8 E. Bong 8 XCS Final Instrument Design Review Engineering Status April 21, 2009 Engineering/Design Status Documentation CAD system model documentation hierarchy (CAD Drawing Tree/File Structure) released XRT& FEH H4 beamline layouts complete with all available models implemented & updated PRDs/ESDs/ICDs/Purchasing Specs – complete. Hutch Design Reviewed 30%, 60%, 90% & 100% A&E drawings FEH Hutch construction – June thru December 2009 (LCLS) APP and Risk Identification/Registry complete and up to date

9 E. Bong 9 XCS Final Instrument Design Review Engineering Status April 21, 2009 Engineering/Design Status XCS Optic & Support Tables (WBS 1.4.2) Hutch 4 Granite Support Tables (WBS ) Modification of XPP support table design Granite base with movable strong-back PDR 29 May 2009 Leveraging existing designs (when applicable) reduces overall engineering & design effort. Use of common parts reduces maintenance costs. Safety: Earthquake restraint of granite base, covered pinch points. Budget at Completion (BAC) ≈ $200k Stoppers (WBS ) Diagnostic stoppers not PPS. Changed plan from modification to PPS stopper design to Commercial Item. Worked with vendor on modification of an off- the shelf product to incorporate 10mm on face of stopper. Commercial stopper uses same controls as vacuum valves. Issued BCR to change P3. Budget at Completion (BAC) ≈ $187k

10 E. Bong 10 XCS Final Instrument Design Review Engineering Status April 21, 2009 Engineering/Design Status XCS Diffractometer (WBS ) Planed as SLAC assemble. Changed to build to spec, same as XPP. Processed BCR. PRD, ESD & Purchase Spec complete Procurement Review Held. Ready to release RFQ Safety: Earthquake restraint pinch points, interlock of automatic motion. Design reviews required at vendor. LUSI controls interface required. Budget at Completion (BAC) ≈ $685k XCS Large Angle Detector Mover (WBS ) Processed BCR to split effort between carriage motion and upper assemblies. Carriage motion build to spec. Vacuum, detector positioner and beam stop; SLAC design. PRD, ESD & Purchase Spec complete. Procurement Review Held. Requisition in purchasing. Safety: Earthquake restraint pinch points, interlock of automatic motion. Design reviews required at vendor for carriage. LUSI controls interface required. Budget at Completion (BAC) ≈ $856k

11 E. Bong 11 XCS Final Instrument Design Review Engineering Status April 21, 2009 Engineering/Design Status XCS Hutch Utilities (WBS 1.4.5) Hutch layout design complete. LCLS responsible for hutch construction. Crane installation moved from LUSI to LCLS XCS responsible scientist and engineer involved hutch 4 specification and design reviews. Tasks to be completed by XCS Raised flooring Storage cabinets, work benches and tool chests Utilities distribution Budget at Completion (BAC) ≈ $369k

12 E. Bong 12 XCS Final Instrument Design Review Engineering Status April 21, 2009 Engineering/Design Status XCS XRT Vacuum (WBS ) Quantity of drift tubes finalized. Vacuum component selection complete. Vacuum support design well advanced. Completed preliminary design report. Ready to purchase all vacuum equipment. Safety: Pressure vessel code requirements mitigated using burst disks. Budget at Completion (BAC) ≈ $363k XCS Hutch 4 Vacuum (WBS ) Designed to shift to CXI line. Vacuum component selection complete. Uses many XRT support designs. Completed preliminary design report. Ready to purchase all vacuum equipment. Safety: Pressure vessel code requirement mitigated using burst disks. Budget at Completion (BAC) ≈ $400k

13 E. Bong 13 XCS Final Instrument Design Review Engineering Status April 21, 2009 Engineering/Design Status XCS Installation (WBS 1.4.7) LUSI Installation Coordinator Obtain required installation permits. Conduct daily tailgate meeting w/ UTR (University Technical Representative). Conduit to engineering for field installation issues. Provide installation status for incorporation into LUSI schedule. XCS XRT Installation Phased with LCLS and CXI installations. Advanced schedule could combine all XCS XRT installation with CXI except monochromators. Budget at Completion (BAC) ≈ $351k XCS Hutch 4 Installation Early Science All components except XCS detector Install duplicate XPP detector to commission and early science Early Finish – June 2011 CD-4 XCS Detector Early Finish – January 2012 Budget at Completion (BAC) ≈ $613k

14 E. Bong 14 XCS Final Instrument Design Review Engineering Status April 21, 2009 Engineering/Design Status Large Offset Mono (WBS ) Planed as build to specification. Vendor build complete Option for SLAC to build crystal holder PRD, ESD & Purchase Spec complete. Procurement Review Held. Review requires revisions to PRD, ESD & Purchase Spec Safety: Earthquake restraint. Design reviews required at vendor for carriage. LUSI controls interface required. Budget at Completion (BAC) ≈ $1,778k Post Mono (WBS ) Fabrication of existing ANL design. ANL drawings have been requested. SLAC will review drawings prior to purchasing components. Safety: Earthquake restraint. LUSI controls interface required. Budget at Completion (BAC) ≈ $455k

15 E. Bong 15 XCS Final Instrument Design Review Engineering Status April 21, 2009 XCS Instrument Design Status Summary System/ComponentReviewBaselineAdvanced IntegrationFIDR8/5/096/30/ Hutch Granite TablePDR6/29/095/29/ Diagnostic StopperCOTS6/9/095/15/ DiffractometerLLPR4/21/094/23/ Large Angle Mover CarriageLLPR12/14/094/23/ Large Angle Mover VacuumPDR5/29/ Hutch SpecificationFDR2/28/ Hutch Utilities & EquipmentPDR10/2/ XCS XRT Vacuum DesignPDR3/4/095/19/ XCS H4 Vacuum DesignPDR3/2/09 5/19/ Large Offset MonochromatorLLPR6/5/094/23/ Chanel Cut MonochromatorPR8/31/09

16 E. Bong 16 XCS Final Instrument Design Review Engineering Status April 21, 2009 Cost and Schedule Performance (2) Cum data through Feb09 CPI = 1.08 = BCWP/ACWP SPI = 0.96 = BCWP/BCWS

17 E. Bong 17 XCS Final Instrument Design Review Engineering Status April 21, 2009 Cost Performance Report March Data April Data

18 E. Bong 18 XCS Final Instrument Design Review Engineering Status April 21, 2009 XCS Critical Path DCO Harmonic Rejection Mirror Preliminary Design Review DCO X-ray Focusing Lens and Harmonic Rejection Mirror Awards XCS Diagnostics Stopper Design Effort Removing budgetary constraints will move critical path to XCS long lead items Re-plan of stopper acquisition will move stopper off critical path

19 E. Bong 19 XCS Final Instrument Design Review Engineering Status April 21, 2009 XCS Look Ahead Six month “look-ahead” of XCS Instrument milestones ARRA advanced schedule Purchasing started on Diffractometer and Detector Mover Carriage. Large Offset Monochromator purchasing start requires revision of specifications dictated by procurement review. Non LLP item purchasing must wait for CD3 approval.

20 E. Bong 20 XCS Final Instrument Design Review Engineering Status April 21, 2009 Risk Identification & Mitigation Risk Identification/Registry complete and up to date as per “LCLS Risk Management Plan” PMD r4 15 risks identified at CD-2 for XCS WBS Risks for BNL Detector Schedule - late MOU Schedule - late design Schedule - late fabrication Schedule - late testing Technical – does not meet requirements 5 Risks each for for Large Angle Detector Mover & Diffractometer Schedule – Procurement Placement Schedule - late design Schedule - late fabrication Schedule - late testing Technical – does not meet requirements 2 risks identified at CD-2 for DCO Monochromator WBS Risks for Monochromator Schedule – Manufacturing Technical – Optical Stability

21 E. Bong 21 XCS Final Instrument Design Review Engineering Status April 21, 2009 Safety LUSI Hazard Analysis Report (PM ) complete Safety issues are considered at every stage of the design, fabrication and installation process Safety considerations (some examples) Ionizing Radiation Hutch walls will comply with SLAC Radiation Safety memo RP-RPG MEM-01 Hutch PPS Pressure/Vacuum Vessel Safety Compliant with 10CFR851 Seismic Safety Designs compliant with: Seismic Design Specification for Buildings, Structures, Equipment, and Systems, SLAC-I-720-0A24E-002-R002 Mechanical Interlocks for equipment protection Engineered solutions that prevent potential “pinch-points” with moving machinery Hoisting and Rigging Positioning of devices that require the use of the FEH H4 overhead crane shall be performed by only by qualified personnel with an approved lift plan.

22 E. Bong 22 XCS Final Instrument Design Review Engineering Status April 21, 2009 Summary XCS instrument configuration design is complete. All preliminary design reviews complete. XCS scope is stable following BCR to move monochromators. Acquisition strategy for stoppers and large angle detector has been integrated into the schedule. Long Lead Procurement Review for diffractometer, large angle detector mover and large offset monochromator has been completed. Purchasing of LLP items has begun. Releasing budgetary constraints moved critical path to long lead procurement items. Scheduled early CD3 spending authority advances schedule. ARRA funding re-baseline advances XCS schedule providing early science in August 2011.

23 E. Bong 23 XCS Final Instrument Design Review Engineering Status April 21, 2009

24 E. Bong 24 XCS Final Instrument Design Review Engineering Status April 21, 2009 Expanded CSSR – by CAM

25 E. Bong 25 XCS Final Instrument Design Review Engineering Status April 21, 2009 Control Accounts & Work Packages – by WBS L2

26 E. Bong 26 XCS Final Instrument Design Review Engineering Status April 21, 2009 Control Accounts & Work Packages – by CAM

27 E. Bong 27 XCS Final Instrument Design Review Engineering Status April 21, 2009 P3 Files & Total Activities – by CAM

28 E. Bong 28 XCS Final Instrument Design Review Engineering Status April 21, 2009 P3 Files Milestones – by WBS L2

29 E. Bong 29 XCS Final Instrument Design Review Engineering Status April 21, 2009 Procurements and Dollars – WBS

30 E. Bong 30 XCS Final Instrument Design Review Engineering Status April 21, 2009 Labor/Non-labor Split – WBS 1.4