SC ICT Certification Level 1 10 Using The Web By Ross Parker
The World Wide Web “The World Wide Web is a system of interlinked hypertext documents accessed via the Internet” Hypertext “Hypertext most often refers to text on a computer that will lead the user to other, related information on demand. Hypertext represents a relatively recent innovation [...] which overcomes some of the limitations of written text.”
Content Web content (or pages) are: –Written in HTML Try “View Source” –Stored on a server –Transferred using HTTP PC The Internet Server Listening 1. Can I have page “x” please? 2. Yes, here it is. 3. Received, thank you!
The Browser Client-side software for rendering web pages Choice –Standards compliance? Basic features –Address bar –Navigation (back, forward) –Display pane
What is Web 2.0? Web 2.0 is not a single thing... –A particular design style (glossy) –Fewer page reloads (AJAX) –Collaboration –User-generated content –Mash-up and remix Tim Berners-Lee say “I think Web 2.0 is of course a piece of jargon, nobody even knows what it means”
Source: Markus Angermeier, Wikimedia Commons
Tabbed Browsing Browser tabs allow multiple pages within a single window Tabs support “branched browsing” –Better suited to the non-linear web. Active tabInactive tab
Firefox Add-ons Limitless expansion! Tools > Add-ons –Fast Dial –Gmail Notifier –FoxyTunes –Download Statusbar –iMacros –Video DownloadHelper –Sage Too
Search “Search Engines” index the web Find your favourite search engine Try these Google searches –“ gretzky” –“weather Hong Kong” or “time Hong Kong” –“1 aud in hkd” or “1 mile in km” –“5*9+(sqrt 10)^3=“ –“~fast food” or “Define learning” –peanut butter +and jelly Even more extreme: – Investigate linking with AltaVista: – Source:
Web Feeds Allows subscription to web content –Turns web from “pull” to “push” Requires “reader” or client software: –Google Reader –Sage Too (Firefox extension) –RSS Owl Standards –RSS –Atom
Social Media Users contribute or nominate items of interest Community members contribute –Voting –Discussions Examples – – –
Group Knowledge Using the power of crowds to create knowledge: –Wikis –Data Analysis –Prediction markets –
Licensing All original work used here is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license. For more details please look at This license has been chosen to permit a high degree of sharing, whilst protecting the author’s control as to how the content is used. Please respect this license and use accordingly! Recycled and borrowed works from other sources are used under appropriate licenses, which are not affected by this license. The original source is always given. All original work created by Ross Parker (Sha Tin College, English Schools Foundation, Hong Kong), except where specified.